Two Members of the New Black Panthers, Brandon Orlando Baldwin and Olajuwon Davis, were caught by the FBI with high explosives material and the illegal purchase of two Hi-Point .45 ACP pistols, which they obviously planned to use for anticipated riots in Ferguson.
The Grand Jury is expected to make a decision next week on whether to Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson should face criminal charges on the shooting death of Michael Brown.
Judylynn is right – Stay the course – with an administration like we currently have what do we expect. This is the result of the Great Divider at work
black panthers? they’re still around?
Don’t forget to shoot down KKK too. Bunch of pricks..
As this does is make more ways for the goverment want to take guns. Wake up people , give everyone a gun and I bet this would not have been happening!!! Look at Sweden with very minute crime as eberyone has a gun!! Take guns and the only ones having them will be the criminals, like gere, and the police. Just an observation to stop crime and even protests.
dawson how many whites did you see. your the dumb ass p***k get the facts right.
amen robert. look at crime in kennasaw ga. every house hold owner. is required to have a gun.
Yeah, but will holder and our government turn them loose? Crimials get to rule America until AMERICAMS TAKE THIS COUNTRY BACK!!
If it were the KKK there would have been many arrested..
this is sick.
arrest all of them