Two Members of the New Black Panthers, Brandon Orlando Baldwin and Olajuwon Davis, were caught by the FBI with high explosives material and the illegal purchase of two Hi-Point .45 ACP pistols, which they obviously planned to use for anticipated riots in Ferguson.
The Grand Jury is expected to make a decision next week on whether to Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson should face criminal charges on the shooting death of Michael Brown.
It’s not racism! It’s fact I don’t think the KKK should be involved. Read my post down a few.
It is survival now. The survival of the Republic. And us.
AND YOU!! Republicans are you happy with your unexpected windfall? Where do you think it comes from?
It is from God. And lots and lots of prayer from the grassroots faithful. And God expects you to do His will.
Evil, and the devil, himself, wishes that you fear him, and so we see there is a reason his servants are called “terrorists.” God says “Let those who love the Lord hate evil,” and we see that fear is the wrong emotion for evil. But He also says a lake of fire is reserved for cowards, and that the unprofitable servant will be cast into outer darkness where there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
If you are giddy about the unexpected turn of Party fortunes, it did not happen by mistake.
And we have Isaiah 5:20: “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.”
Republicans are not elected to work with Obama. You are elected to stop him.
And the strong case can be made it is about survival now. The survival of our country, of us, of yourselves.
Dead men do not stand in the gap against evil, speaking the truth of God’s word. Nor do they fulfill the Great Commission. God DEMANDS that we survive.
Obama’s mandate: Between a rock and a hard place for The Mexicans will kill him if he does not deliver Amnesty, and we must not allow him to deliver Amnesty and kill us.
And, also, the devil can hardly wait for the time when his servants are no longer useful. His time grows short.
Our mandate: As you would not do the will of the devil, himself, do not give to Obama ANYTHING. Anything given will be used against us.
Mandate: Stop Obama.
We do not owe. We will not pay. He can go to hell. God says so. We will not go with him.
God spoke in this election. And God gives talents. He expects one to use them for HIS purpose. God is watching those elected.
It is about survival now.
The devil has put forth his Non-Scriptural Decree, The Decree, the devil’s lie, the mantra of all the Godless horde (those apart from God), and the devil’s stronghold in the minds of white people after indoctrination, that
“You owe, and you must pay, for you will be racist if you will not pay, and you cannot be racist.”
It is the mantra of all the Godless horde, and is printed EXACTLY on the signs held by the Mexican invaders and is said by the Mexican President, and the lover of money, the traitor, The Reverend of the god of Racism, Al Sharpton, as he ties the hands of the police and plans to encourage the rioters in American cities, he and the government, and his allies, the ISIS/Hamas/Muslims, as they also stand with the Mexicans along the Rio Grande, shapening their machetes, and saying The Decree. He who accepts The Decree owes anything and everything, forever. Ask the man-in-the-street if REPARATIONS will end the debt. You will owe, even in hell, forever.
Ask the vaunted Illuminati, Oprah, as she denies Christ and says all the racist whites need to die, as she says it is Racism for you to criticize Obama, and according to her, and the devil’s decree, you can only praise him, if you would be allowed to speak at all, he who stands against God’s Chosen People, and is cursed by God, Himself.
Know that if you will not worship, you are deemed worthy of death.
And you cannot criticize he who is cursed by God? You can only praise him, if you would be allowed to speak at all?
O’ Great-American, Whore, White, Sheople Christians, whom do you serve? Our God? Or the gods of Racism and the New World Order? Who are the devil, himself.
Revelation 22:8-10: “I, John, am the one who heard and saw these things. And when I heard and saw, I fell down to worship at the feet of the angel who showed me these things. 9But he said to me, “Do not do that. I am a fellow servant of yours and of your brethren the prophets and of those who heed the words of this book. Worship God.” 10And he said to me, “Do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this book, for the time is near.
There is a reason that the John’s angel would not let John worship him: He did not wish for John–and him–to go to hell. Another angel made that mistake. His name is satan.
God says he who gives ANYTHING to those who claim they are owed ANYTHING and EVERYTHING, FOREVER, will go to hell, FOREVER. Those who pay, and those paid. And The Reverend of the god of Racism, Al Sharpton, forgot to tell you about that, when he told you that you do not have the right to speak of racial matters, wishing to quell discussion–and consideration–of the way the devil might deceive the whole world and drag them down to hell. God says His FIRST COMMANDMENT for a reason:
“Thou shalt have no other gods before Me.”
Ezekiel 33:6: “But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes someone’s life, that person’s life will be taken because of their sin, but I will hold the watchman accountable for their blood.”
As the Ferguson rioters say that you cannot criticize them, for “you owe, and you must pay, for you will be racist if you will not pay, and you cannot be racist,” and that you can only praise them, if you would be allowed to speak at all, but that you are not allowed to speak, anyway.
As the white liberals, and the liberal “Christians,” those who have rejected the word of God, who blindly scream the devil’s arguments, those who scream and hiss, and furiously play their Race Cards, their accusations of Racism, and then scream The Decree, that “you owe, and you must pay (your right to speak, or any right to criticize, and that you can only praise if you would be allowed to speak at all), for you will be racist if you will not pay, and you cannot be racist.”
The devil imbues all facets, the Ministry, the Government, everything, with Political Correctness, and Facebook has their euphemism, the “Community Standards,” so that one who will speak plainly will not be allowed to speak at all. But a kid opened up a big bag of chips and plugged his music into his ears when class began, and when I complained, he said “Get out of my face *igger.” I do not wish for him to have rights superior to mine, so that he can take over my class–or my life–and responded likewise. A lady, security guard later told the kid “you cannot say things like that to him for he is white, and he cannot say *igger.”
Consider the security guard, and the attitudes of the educational system which makes the Duncanville High School, in Texas, name their Teacher of the Year, who says you do not have the right to talk about the Ferguson rioters, and that you would only be allowed to praise them, if you were allowed to speak at all, and that “dumb duck-ass crackers, go kill yourselves.” And ask Harry Reid about the New World Order, and the provision of Free Speech in the Constitution, or about the “Redskins.” As Obama and the New World Order, and Facebook, abridges your speech, and tells you what you can say, as The Reverend of the god of Racism, Al Sharpton, tells you what your rights are, and what you are allowed to say, and says you cannot speak of the matter, for it is racism to speak of the Knockout Games, or even mention them, and as the co-opted MSM agrees, and as Obama proposes a set of laws for Hawaii, for whites only, consider these matters and tell me: How long do you expect to live?
The devil can take your country, your life, and your soul, if you agree that you owe, and must pay, the Godless horde and him, anything and everything, forever.
The devil is death. God is life. The devil will destroy all the he touches, as he tries to rise above God, to be worshipped as God, and he find the Israelis, and the Middle-Eastern Christians, and America and Texas to be in the way, and we see the evidence he rises, the headless kids and other atrocities. He will try to imbue all facets, Education, the Government, the Ministry, everything with political correctness, the control of speech and concomitant thought and actions, seeking control, and adherence to his decrees and pronouncements.
And it is the devil who will finally proffer the rope, or the pistol, and scream at you to commit suicide, if you will listen to him. And as to whether you die, he will say “What difference does it make?”
Ask Hillary about it. Or ask Obama, as he screams at us to accept his rule, and that we must pay our border, and as he screams at the Israelis to surrender to his spiritual brethren, the ISIS/Hamas/Muslims, who have vowed to do to the Israeilis what they did to the Middle-Eastern Christians, beheading the little kids, and cutting the throats of their mothers.
It does make a difference. Whether you would live or die.
And it makes a difference for your soul. And how from hell can ANYONE remain silent about such? I was a teacher. But it is Agape Love that I will not be silent. Silent, and allowing such as this? I would not be for all the world. And give me a shotgun, or a toothbrush, and line up the all the horde of hell. If God is for me, who will stand against me? God will care for me. I will trust in Him and no other. We need soldiers who will stand forth, no matter.
God does NOT want you to die for Him; God wants you to LIVE for Him.
Praise His name, God says we will not die. He demands the Israelis, His Chosen People, to wish for their lives, and that they fight for their survival. He DEMANDS no less from us. He DEMANDS that we not die. For dead men do not stand in the gap against evil, or fulfill the Great Commission.
According to John, in Revelation, so many stood before the throne that no man could number them. Their robes washed white in the blood of the Lamb. And they came from the Great Tribulation. And from those who stood forth, speaking the truth of God’s word, those who knew heaven to be their home, but that they were not in heaven, yet, and knowing they would answer questions when they got there. And it IS written the unprofitable servant will be cast into outer darkness, where there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. You had better listen, preachers.
And He demands that we stand forth and speak the truth of His word. Even as the white liberals who pay, who worship, those who have rejected His word, and Him, who blindly plead the devil’s arguments, not caring for the lives of others, and not even caring for their own lives, scream and hiss, and furiously play their Race Cards, at one who would even mention the matter. And as those who receive do the same. As the cities burn, and they stand along the Rio Grande, continually saying they will kill us? They require silence? They require praise as you are killed? Worship as you are murdered? SLAVERY! And slavery simply because you will let them tell you that you owe them? The Great-American, Whore, White Sheople Christians? Jostled along, barefooted and limping on the broken concrete and shattered glass, sniffling, crying and whimpering, and wishing to be told lies, rather than the truth?
You will go to hell for that, if you listen to them.
God says fear he who can kill the body–and the soul–in hell, and that a lake of fire is reserved for cowards. God says do not listen to the Godless horde, and the devil, himself.
The ISIS/Hamas/Muslims stand along the Rio Grande, sharpening their machetes, as the Mexican President says “you owe, and you must pay (your border, and your resistance to the invasion of drugs and illegals), for you will be racist if you will not pay, and you cannot be racist.” Ask him about his own border. Ask him about Sgt. Tahmooressi.
God says we do not owe. GOD says we will not pay. God says we can go to hell, if we pay them, and they can go with us.
Tell the Mexican President, and Obama, and the ISIS/Hamas/Muslims, and their ally, The Reverend of the god of Racism, Al Sharpton, and Jesse Jackasson, and all of the Godless horde this:
God DEMANDS we NOT owe, and pay, and worship these others. He demands we stand forth and speak the truth of God’s word. And live. As the lover of money, The Reverend of the god of Racism, Al Sharpton, stands with his ISIS/Hamas/Muslim allies, and against us, and America, and God, telling you what your rights are, and what you are allowed to say, as they sharpen their machetes, and say “you owe, and you must pay, for you will be racist if you will not pay, and you cannot be racist.” Ask the Middle-Eastern Christians what they wish to charge us, as The Reverend of the god of Racism, Al Sharpton, and they, and the government, and the Trayvon Road Crew ties the hands of the police and incites the rioters, trying to make the American cities burn. As the concrete is broken, and the glass is shattered.
God says fear God. God says have faith in Him. God says we do not owe. God says we will not pay. God says we will listen to no argument such that we would disregard Him, or His word, or His Commandments, and consult the word of God, and ask Eve, from the Garden of Eden, if anything bad might happen if you would do so. God says you can go to hell if you do so, and that those you pay can go to hell with you.
God says his FIRST COMMANDMENT for a reason that we now see, and He is really, really serious.
God says “Thou shalt have no other gods before Me.”
He is not asking; He is telling; He is DEMANDING that we turn away and worship them no more, as King Obama would take the throne.
King Obama is enabled by WORSHIP, as all of the Godless horde, and the devil, himself, is enabled and empowered by worship.
God CANNOT stand for us, if we will worship others, owing and paying them.
God DEMANDS that we turn away from them, no matter how much they scream that you are racist because you will not pay them. By those who jump through the hoops, screaming they are not racist! Paying anything and everything! Forever! Worshipping!
Turn from them so that God CAN stand for us.
And maybe some of them will repent, and not go to hell. And it is Agape Love that we wish that NONE of them would go to hell. They will surely go to hell if you give them what they ask.
Go practice: Stand in front of the mirror. Say this:
And as the agents provocateur settle in among us, and as the liberals hiss and scream, and play their Race Cards at one who would stand forth, who would dare speak at all, and instead of offering praise, would stand in the gap, calling evil what it is, do you believe I dreamed all this? Or do you believe that God speaks to us. This is what God says.
We depend on the word of God, according that it is the truth. And we pray let my words be your words.
Matthew 10:19: “18and you will even be brought before governors and kings for My sake, as a testimony to them and to the Gentiles. 19″But when they hand you over, do not worry about how or what you are to say; for it will be given you in that hour what you are to say. 20″For it is not you who speak, but it is the Spirit of your Father who speaks in you.”
Where sin abounds grace does much more abound, and an Army comes. A worldwide Flood of the Spirit. For fields already white to harvest. They told me it would start in Texas.
Yea is that big smile a thank you to Mike Brown.He died and gave you all an early christmas shopping spree.Hope you enjoy your gift’s oh and by the way you should stop by his grave and thank him
Too long, the attention span of most do not read lengthy posts.
bananaz says:
“I hope you guys know this isn’t a real wrbsite. The problem with sites like this, they get you all riled up Off a lies. This is the true rave bait site, and you guys fall for it every time.”
I hope you guys know this isn’t a real wrbsite. The problem with sites like this, they get you all riled up Off a lies. This is the true rave bait site, and you guys fall for it every time.
Lock and load!!!
Shoot the bastards the minute they show their ugly faces
did anyone notice they r muslim
Then arrest all of them