Two Members of the New Black Panthers, Brandon Orlando Baldwin and Olajuwon Davis, were caught by the FBI with high explosives material and the illegal purchase of two Hi-Point .45 ACP pistols, which they obviously planned to use for anticipated riots in Ferguson.
The Grand Jury is expected to make a decision next week on whether to Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson should face criminal charges on the shooting death of Michael Brown.
This is getting ridiculous!
Oh OK well if Wilson was protecting himself then this thug Mike Brown should have been shot. Oh how I wish these people would go to a foreign country like China or Iran and try pull off their c**p. They would be shot. No its ands or buts.
They will riot either way!! Just hope the grand jury votes on the facts, not out of fear of retribution !!
And what will they do about it? That whole organization should be outlawed and disbanded forever! Anarchy reigns in Ferguson which is an embarassment to our whole country!
Ferguson people and those who join them probably are hoping to get a chance to destroy and destroy. They are blood thirsty.
So they all get medals from O Lier.
When the review of the autopsy results was done by the 3 independent pros and it collided head-on with the supposed on-lookers testimony, that was enough to incriminate Brown and discredit the testimonies; You don’t get shot in the top of the head on a near-parallel plane with the spine unless your head is down facing the one who shot you. You don’t get that from being on the ground with your hand up saying “Don’t shoot”. Neither do you get (your own) blood inside the car others claim you were not near unless you were in or near it and fighting with someone in it. Face it Ferguson, Panthers, Brown was not as innocent as you want him to be. Wilson may not be completely innocent on all counts, but this evidence speaks volumes all by itself.
Ok officer Wilson 90 days when yer hot yer hot !
Ferguson citizens and grand jury need to do what is right not be pressured into letting an innocent man be railroaded. There’s going to be violence either way because that’s what the community organizers are there to do.
I remember a little talked about incident when 4 college students were shot dead by our National Guard during a protest at Kent State University. They weren’t looting maiming and killing yet deadly force was used against them.They were white and shootable so why isn’t the guard in there to shoot to kill blacks who are intent on causing destruction unlike the kids shot at Kent State? The BP’s re nothing more then a home grown terrorist muslim group. They have been Muslim for some time now.