Two Members of the New Black Panthers, Brandon Orlando Baldwin and Olajuwon Davis, were caught by the FBI with high explosives material and the illegal purchase of two Hi-Point .45 ACP pistols, which they obviously planned to use for anticipated riots in Ferguson.
The Grand Jury is expected to make a decision next week on whether to Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson should face criminal charges on the shooting death of Michael Brown.
Take out a few of them and maybe the others will think twice if it is worth their lives. They have come to that little town just to wreak havoc and that is not fair. This is not the people that live there, it was reported they have come from as far as NY and California. This is so unfair to those that live and work there. Just an excuse for violence and I think if trouble is what they came looking for I say don’t let them leave disappointed.
Did Eric Holder have a comment on this? He comments on most everything…betcha the FBI was mistaken.
Stupid bunch of AH , why else would they tear up their town. But Someone will give them a check to rebuild.
Blow them away
Whats with this Ferguson business anyway.
Invoke martial law. Set a curfew and arrest them all
Give them a one way ticket to the Middle East!
They plan to riot no matter what the outcome, !!!
All of this is tied to Obama and Holder! He told them to stay the course ! Americans want justice and most believe the officer is innocent! Inciting riots is all this administration has done!
All it would take is for the Police to shoot and kill anyone looting and burning. It would only take a few before these thugs go hide under a rock.