Two Members of the New Black Panthers, Brandon Orlando Baldwin and Olajuwon Davis, were caught by the FBI with high explosives material and the illegal purchase of two Hi-Point .45 ACP pistols, which they obviously planned to use for anticipated riots in Ferguson.
The Grand Jury is expected to make a decision next week on whether to Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson should face criminal charges on the shooting death of Michael Brown.
Eric Holders old group, with new faces.
Just doing what Obama and the rest of the Race baiters want them to do.
If you caught the BP planning a riot or what would really be a terroistic threat , then why hasn’t there been a mass arrest , get out the high powered fire hoses …
Simple question to ask WHY are not those inciting to riot not arrested and locked up for 72 hrs???
Lock the bastards up
Typical …dont get your own way and you smash things up and then expect US to rebuild them for you
lock them up and throw away the keys or ship them to iraq with no return passport
kill them first
Did they turn them lose or arrest them?