Two Members of the New Black Panthers, Brandon Orlando Baldwin and Olajuwon Davis, were caught by the FBI with high explosives material and the illegal purchase of two Hi-Point .45 ACP pistols, which they obviously planned to use for anticipated riots in Ferguson.
The Grand Jury is expected to make a decision next week on whether to Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson should face criminal charges on the shooting death of Michael Brown.
OH!! a bombing attempt is ok but self defense isn’t????This is so unnacceptable….the first time someone rioted they should have been locked up….now these animals are so out of control
I look for “all hell” to break loose if they do indict. They do not care about the law……..
Then let it rip. Theyre only destroying their own town
Arrest the ring leaders , thugs
Marshall law you dicktator king allah o b a m a one big ass
All hell is going to break loose no matter which way they go.If the officer is found guilty they will be pissed because of that..and pissed if he is found innocent…They are just waiting for permission to open the doors to riot…I hope they are all level down for rioting…or just for being there to support the rioters …my opinion while I still have the FREEDOM to voice it…
Killem all
Get rid of them?
I’m pretty sure the PD’s & National Guard can handle this. If more lawbreakers choose to come out & behave even more deplorably, use guns, explosives, etc., the law enforecers will have full ability to retaliate, restrain & protect. They are only hurting themselves.
Let the KKK hang them