The Black Lives Matter chapter in St. Paul recently declared that the Minnesota State Fair is racist and declares that they will disrupt operations this August 27th when the fair opens.
Libs fight so hard for discrimination laws to get passed, then support groups like Black Lives Matters, who ignore using these laws and simply terrorize whoever they wish to vilify.
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If it is here on US SOIL & not black or giving freebies to blacks it is racist…
This c**p is all laughable.
there racism kills their entire message and any support that they might get. if they had campaigned against brutal treatment of ‘people’ by authority then all ‘people’ would have considered the situation. But by narrowing the complaint to 20% of the population you narrow the interest of the rest of the ‘people’. All lives matter maybe you are ruffling some feathers and alienating ‘people’.
More Obama clan members doing what they want
Is there anything , that that group doesn’t claim is RACIST ?
Arrest anyone claiming to belong to black lives matter for being thugs and terrorists for hate crimes
Blacklivesmatter are just in their infant stage of becoming extortionists like al sharpton and jessie jackson and their groups . “Donate to us” and we will not cry racism about you or your business . This is extortion and all them groups should be investigated by the federal government and arrested, charged for extortion and shutdown and sent to prison !! This is extortion on a grand scale that even the mafia could not pull off . Where is our federal law enforcement ??
What the hell wrong with all these fools killing Police officers?
Just because someone is black it doesn’t mean they dont matter ,
White lives matter also , but how many white people go around wearing t-shirts that say that ?