You probably remember Rachel Dolezal, the white woman and former head of a Calif. NAACP chapter who got busted pretending to be black.
Well, it seems we might have another person who, I guess, ‘identifies as black’ running the Black Lives Matter organization.
Investigative blogger Vicki Pate is accusing Shaun King of lying about being white in order to qualify for an “Oprah scholarship” to Morehouse College, a historically black college.
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LOL, not even a little . Im just stirring up some fun. Some of y’all have, hell blacks acting white all the time so it ain’t a problem.
All race lives matter
i wouldnt doubt it
Too funny!!!
Another phony and a liar.
Just be yourself weather your white black yellow pink with purple polka dots . Jesus died on that cross for all of us . So anyone calming to be christian white or black can only say all lives matter anything less is to deny that jesus died for all so all my black and white christian brothers and sisters we have bigger problems
And there here waiting to attack
BLACK LIVES MATTER HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Look at Planned Parenthood and all the major cities black on black killing. BLACK LIVES MATTER HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT TO BLACKS.