Los Angeles is no stranger to protestors shutting down freeways and major highways. The list of riots and protests include Watts, Rodney King, Ferguson, Trump Rallies, and just this past weekend, Black Lives Matter blocking traffic on the 405 freeway.
Inglewood Police Lt. Gregory Held reported that there was no reason for the authorities to interfere as, “It’s all been peaceful.” There were no arrests or violence reported.
Hundreds of Black Lives Matter demonstrators flooded the Inglewood streets late Sunday night, intent on blocking the traffic on the 405 and major intersections, with their message of “black lives, we matter, yeah” and “racist cops have got to go.” The traffic on the 405 was stopped for around 10 minutes, both north and south bound lanes were blocked by a human wall.
The mass of humanity moved up the on ramp at La Cienega Boulevard and became part of greater demonstration taking place on Manchester Boulevard.
View video on the next page.
Just found this. Interesting. Pertains to this .
And this was a productive idea how….
run the black bastards over
Why doesn’t obama get off of these world wide trips that do nothing but make him look like a fool, and just that give him another little vacation come back here put some starch in his shorts and start running what is left of this country like a man If thats possible
Why are those MORON Drivers stopping ?? To keep from hitting Thugs ,IDIOTS walking around in the freeway ?? Some people won’t go for that$#%&!@*.Some of us WORK..
I’m not stopping for$#%&!@*like this they better have a badge before I stop if you ain’t got the sense to get out of the road don’t get mad when somebody runs over your ass
If I were the police I would have pummeled the$#%&!@*out of them with shot bean bags. I bet they would have moved then.
Derek – I am surprised people who were driving just didn’t keep on going. After the first one was hit they would have moved.
I would run them over
just run them over……