Protesters affiliated with the anti-police, Black supremacist movement Black Lives Matter have burned an American flag and raised the Black Liberation flag to protest the shooting of an alleged unarmed black man by a police officer.
This reactionary stance is nothing new to the Black Lives Matter protesters, who have been so ingrained in their dogma that they no longer look to facts or evidence but move on the first sign of opportunity to defame and assault the efforts of the police. There is no appropriate conduct or standard operating procedure that will ever satisfy the movement, as it is rooted in the leftist demand for more welfare and housing benefits for the disproportionately-dependent Black population.
The brother of the man who was shot by the police is reported to have said that he would like to see the Constitution abolished, as he felt it did not equitably treat Black Americans. There was of course no comment on what holy document or philosophy the Constitution should be replaced with.
Find out more about the Black Lives Matter protesters on page 2.
kiss my butt black lives matter
Tell the jihadist Muslims that all the people with black skin are JEWS !
Kick them out of the U.S.!
The jerks flag,WOW.
Please send this group to the Middle East
Why isn’t the media looking into Black Lives Matter? The BLM movement is an American COMMUNIST party that is advocating for revolution. Whoever reads this comment please google (black lives matter communism)… Please people spread the truth about the BLM innocent lives are in danger.
Counter productive
Take their citizenship and put them out of the country that they hate.
Leave a country you hate so bad go find Wonderland somewhere else.
This is a group paid to agitate. Nothing more! If it were real, they’d tackle the following first:
Did you know there have been 2,657 SHOOTING VICTIMS in CHICAGO, Illinois YEAR TO DATE??That’s almost 267 shooting victims PER MONTH where GUNS are OUTLAWED!!! Chicago goes through worse conditions on a MONTHLY/DAILY BASIS than this tragic day in PARIS!! WHERE’S THE MEDIA AND POLITICAL OUTRAGE AND ENDLESS NEWS COVERAGE ABOUT CHICAGO’s THUG ACTIVITY WHICH IS FAR WORSE AND CLAIMS MORE VICTIMS annually than even 9/11??Where’s the Black Lies a Matter Protests??? Americans, we are being played and it’s not to our advantage!!!!