Protesters affiliated with the anti-police, Black supremacist movement Black Lives Matter have burned an American flag and raised the Black Liberation flag to protest the shooting of an alleged unarmed black man by a police officer.
This reactionary stance is nothing new to the Black Lives Matter protesters, who have been so ingrained in their dogma that they no longer look to facts or evidence but move on the first sign of opportunity to defame and assault the efforts of the police. There is no appropriate conduct or standard operating procedure that will ever satisfy the movement, as it is rooted in the leftist demand for more welfare and housing benefits for the disproportionately-dependent Black population.
The brother of the man who was shot by the police is reported to have said that he would like to see the Constitution abolished, as he felt it did not equitably treat Black Americans. There was of course no comment on what holy document or philosophy the Constitution should be replaced with.
Find out more about the Black Lives Matter protesters on page 2.
Let’s think folks!!!!! What is it exactly, they are supposed to be resisting, honestly?!?!!! Equal oppurtunity?!!!
I bet these same people when to restaurants claiming that they are veterans so they can eat for free
What is black lives matter? I think they are a JOKE
ok, Lets start burning the Black Resistance Flag and see how they like it.
Rick, Obama is definitely trying to divide & conquer. He’s not for the American people, that’s for sure.
Frederick Douglass and Martin Luther King Jr., would be rolling over in their graves at the sight of what the black community has done toward race relations. Being dependent on the government goes entirely against what King and Douglass wanted. They wanted the black man to be self-sufficient. Remember MLK Jr. said this, “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.”
This is what … LOW-LIFE SCUM … LOOK LIKE …
These little pricks need a wake up call.
Traitors ignorant hate baiters…hey it’s only one color off from German flag…
Burning the American flag brought attention to your cause, it tells me that you are not a true American, that you are a criminal promoting chaos and violence for a false agenda.