![Black Lives Matter Organizer Demands Reparations: “Nothing you have is yours”](https://www.truthandaction.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/black_lives_matter_leader-680x365.png)
Black Lives Matter has been criticized since its inception for its lack of clear policy goals. Instead, they’ve resorted to violence, vandalism, and chaos to make their point — as unclear as that may have been.
In the aftermath of the Dallas police massacre in 2016, two policies emerged from the controversial protest group. They want to totally disarm, demilitarize, defund, and disband the police, and they want reparations from white Americans.
One Black Lives matter organizer advocated for the latter policy point in an essay published in Wear Your Voice Magazine. In the piece, she demanded “housing, transportation, food, clothes, free space for meetings and work space; we need laptops, cell phones, encrypted systems for communication, solar power and LAND. ”
Why those systems of communications need to be encrypted is anyone’s guess — but it seems fairly obvious.
See Ashleigh Shackelford’s demands on the next page:
Stop giving people like this more platforms to be heard. In the old days, they were ignored. We should learn from our parents and argue less with fools.
I think this woman is a direct employee of George Soros…. She gets paid to be this ignorant. These are just more tactics of the far left to devide this country.
upyours woman we work for our money and my ancestors did not have slaves.
I am not racist, and my ancestors did not own slaves. If you are own welfare, that should be your reparation.
If you’re offended by my freedom of speech, then stop segregating yourselves.
She, like most african Americans are not oppressed, beaten down, killed by police in large number.
What you were taught in school about slavery was.
a lie, slaves had actually been treated very well as slaves it cost approx $400.00 to purchase a slave back in that time.
The plantation owners needed those slave in tip top working condition, inorder to secure a profit, and pay all the bills that owning a cotton farm would carry.
Those slaves were not beaten or raped, how is it a plantation owner could beat his slave, injure the slave and now loose productivity and profit
Infact the plantation owners had taken out loans from the banks to purchase the slaves, and had to pay interest on each purchased slave.
Beatings and cruelty towards slaves didn’t seen likely because in doing so would ultimately cut down on productivity and profits.
The we waz oppressed is a lie to garner sympathy and reparations, and white guilt, by blacks in America today.
The Jews get reparations
why don’t you read a History Book. If anyone is owed anything it would be the American Indian and you don’t hear them spouting this c**p . Not one person in my ancestry has ever owned a slave and they worked their ass off for everything they ever had .If you are so insistent on getting free stuff try this c**p in another country and see how far you get .You are obviously nothing more than an overprivileged spoiled lazy ass mealy mouthed whacko who needs a good spanking or maybe 20 years in prison for attempting to incite a riot and threatening bodily harm to innocent people !
You are proof positive that your race came from monkeys not far back. When I had you beside me and I had my organ and you would dance, you had value oh, very little but some. Now you have no value your worthless your entire life you will be worthless because you will not get a job I expect everyone else to pay for everything in your life. You’re worthless to society.
Get a job you lazy bum!
I have never owned anyone slave or not none of my family owned slaves or any people. I come from poor farmers that worked right along side all farmers of all colors. I personally was on welfare and government housing. I wanted better and used the helping hand to get better. I used strategy my tax return and budgeted my funds to pay for school and carry my family through the time it took to get my CDL since then it has had struggles but I feel like all people no matter the color of your skin no matter your age. You want what I have come do the same as I’m doing. Drive a semi and make sacrifices. You get to start at the bottom same as I done 20+ years ago.