Donald Trump is might not be the ideal conservative candidate for many, but he has several admirable qualities that have the unwashed and the clueless trembling in their boots.
Establishment Republicans see a bull loose in the china shop, uncontrollable by the likes of Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy. Democrats see a strong ego, unafraid of their preposterous labels of racist, homophobe, xenophobe, and misogynist. But there are others that should actually be looking for a hole to hide in. That would be the gangstas, the rappers, and the inner city street thugs that have been terrorizing public venues for the last several years with absolutely no fear that they will be confronted and punished. Trump believes in law and order, and he has the cojones to enforce the rules.
In August, 2014, 18 year old Michael Brown robbed a convenience store in Ferguson, Missouri and assaulted the clerk. When confronted by a police officer several blocks from the store, Brown punched the officer in the face, tried to grab his gun, and was then shot dead as he charged the officer in the street. The ensuing looting and rioting by “Black Lives Matter” thugs was essentially ignored and excused by the black mayor and city officials, and condoned by President Obama and his attorney general. Several other riots have occurred since then, the police have been vilified and unsupported when they have tried to intervene, and criminals have suddenly become saints who are merely trying to “deliver a message.”
Read the threat delivered by rapper Tef Poe to the United Nations on page 2:
Is this called inciting a riot ? Can’t you be put in jail for it ? What’s the hold up ? Throw his butt in jail !
Riots everywhere? Really? I don’t think Mr Black Lives Matter understands exactly what is in store for his band of merry hoodlums if they “riot everywhere”. here’s a clue… they will wish to god the police were there arresting them. It’s time for this Black Lives matter b******t to go away… quietly would be preferable.
This is exactly why trump is doing so good.
What a surprise! ! Don’t get your way? Riot. Bunch of thugs!!
BLM is paid by the supporter, Soros. They are paid professional troublemakers. We need to remove them from our country and let Isis handle them. SICK OF THOSE WHO DENY THE TRUTH AND PAY PEOPLE TO HIDE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tanya is a BLM member. Better get your facts straight, Tanya. There are more minority groups living off the government than white.
they are all just chiming in because the know the gravy train is going to stop with trump and all the free stuff is gone and maybe they will have to work OMG. they are just trouble makers , but how much can we take?
Hillary: the Republicans aren’t supporting Trump. We the People are.
you boys betta get to PIKKIN that cotton. Bet yore black asses be too tired to riot afterwards….
Where’s my whip