Donald Trump is might not be the ideal conservative candidate for many, but he has several admirable qualities that have the unwashed and the clueless trembling in their boots.
Establishment Republicans see a bull loose in the china shop, uncontrollable by the likes of Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy. Democrats see a strong ego, unafraid of their preposterous labels of racist, homophobe, xenophobe, and misogynist. But there are others that should actually be looking for a hole to hide in. That would be the gangstas, the rappers, and the inner city street thugs that have been terrorizing public venues for the last several years with absolutely no fear that they will be confronted and punished. Trump believes in law and order, and he has the cojones to enforce the rules.
In August, 2014, 18 year old Michael Brown robbed a convenience store in Ferguson, Missouri and assaulted the clerk. When confronted by a police officer several blocks from the store, Brown punched the officer in the face, tried to grab his gun, and was then shot dead as he charged the officer in the street. The ensuing looting and rioting by “Black Lives Matter” thugs was essentially ignored and excused by the black mayor and city officials, and condoned by President Obama and his attorney general. Several other riots have occurred since then, the police have been vilified and unsupported when they have tried to intervene, and criminals have suddenly become saints who are merely trying to “deliver a message.”
Read the threat delivered by rapper Tef Poe to the United Nations on page 2:
Guess he got Soros’ memo…”Check’s in the Mail…
Demographics don’t lie: 92% of all homicides in this country committed by black males between the ages of 19 and 23…
This is organized, bet George Soros is paying these guys, real low life!!! They need to ge put in jail for disturbing the peace and inciting a riot!!! When ar e our laws going to be enforced?????
He isn’t a racist, I’m sick of BLM! Bring it on cause #hatersgonnahate. We can’t let these little thugs interfere with our rights. #trumptrain2016 #makeamericagreatagain
Just using Trump for an excuse to be evil! If not Trump it would be someone else or something else to riot BLM are evil people seeking their rushes. What a shame to Black Americans! These people need to be imprisoned or exiled until they change their bad attitudes.
That OK we will kick your black$#%&!@*Trump hasn’t done anything racist,they want hillary president,because she will keep obama close,if she doesn’t,then they still will riot,but who cares it’s their choice,it may cost their selfish life
Bring it$#%&!@*you’ll be the first one we take down
Not afraid myself, I believe God is and will use us… I am already so much bolder in my walk, but still the fleshly me believes in freedom too…
Trump is an obnoxious vile foul mouth bigot towards minorities, women, and immigrants. And hasn’t said one substantial thing about policies or plans to run the country. He has not one once of political experience and doesn’t have the temperament to be the leader of the country. He has zero class. And you guys blindly follow him and continue to act like him with all these ignorant catch phrases that show just how ignorant you are about other cultures and the world around you. For the record there are more whites on welfare, so worry about your lazy, no job having counter parts and tell them to stop mooching off the government. And the same goes for all the white crooks in the government and and on Wall Street that bleed and steal this country dry. How about you white folks dealing with that instead of always trying to point the finger at poor folks that you know nothing about. Yeah, you all ignore the criminals in your own back yards and there are plenty of them. And if you can’t recognize bigoted comments being spewed out by Trump then that shows that you’re bigots as well.