Not even a week has passed since the tragic killing of six Dallas police officers by an anti-white radical, and yet Black Lives Matter continues to persist in it’s irresponsible activity as if it didn’t even happen.
Across the nation (and in one case across the Atlantic), outraged activists have taken to the streets in support of the controversial anti-police movement. From Phoenix to New York, protestors, seemingly having learned nothing from the horrific events of the previous week, continue to spew inflammatory speech and engage in violent behavior.
For instance, the agitators in Phoenix have started trying to block highway routes in order to disrupt traffic and raise “awareness” for their cause. Meanwhile in the UK, Black Lives Matter sympathizers have rallied in London in support of their American compatriots, showing that the group is beginning to exert influence on an international scale. in spite of the movement’s repeated claims that it is “non-violent”, high-profile supporters like the dean of the University of Charleston have publicly called for people to become “martyrs” to the cause. In the wake of Dallas, you would think that the dean would be careful about making such remarks, especially since Micah Xavier Johnson likely saw himself as one of these “martyrs”.
In spite of the movement’s repeated claims that it is “non-violent”, high-profile supporters like the dean of the University of Charleston have publicly called for people to become “martyrs” to the cause. In the wake of Dallas, you would think that the dean would be careful about making such remarks, especially since Micah Xavier Johnson likely saw himself as one of these “martyrs”.
Read more on the next page:
The speed with which Black Lives Matter returned to the rabble-rousing they are so known for following the Dallas killings shows that they couldn’t care less about the lives of the law enforcement officers who lost their lives in the line of duty. As the unrest and chaos in Rochester, Phoenix and countless other cities shows, Black Lives Matter only cares about lives it can use to advance it’s agenda:
“According to WHAM, the local television outlet in Rochester, New York, that saw two of its reporters arrested then released, the reason there were so many arrests is because protesters had blocked the streets.
‘Dozens of protestors blocked streets in downtown Rochester Friday night and early into Saturday morning as Rochester Police patrol the streets around them,’ WHAM wrote. ‘Most of the crowd was centered around East Avenue and Alexander Street, a popular spot for Rochester nightlife. Witnesses report seeing multiple people being taken away by police officers. Several of the protestors were chanting, ‘Hands up, don’t shoot’ and ‘Black lives matter!’ The crowd started to gather around 9:45 p.m. with about 100 people in attendance.’
In response, officers arrested a number of the protesters–and then the number of protesters quickly dwindled. Novel concept!
‘Rochester Police in riot gear started to move people out of the intersection around 10:15 p.m. When protestors continued to block the street and refused to move, several were arrested,’ WHAM added. ‘As the number of arrests began to increase, the number of protestors began to dwindle.’”
Reports out of Rochester, New York, say a press conference will happen tonight–in the middle of the night–suggesting things may have been much worse in the city than previously thought. Earlier reports, citing law enforcement officials, say as many as 40 people may have been arrested there. A local news outlet says one of their reporters was among those arrested. This local reporter says a second one of her reporter colleagues was also arrested.
FollowJennifer Lee @JenLeeWHAM
Mayor’s chief of staff says there will be a city press conference tonight. #13WHAM
FollowJennifer Lee @JenLeeWHAM
Police just arrested my coworkers #13WHAM reporters @ccleareand @Jus2ice
Phoenix police are reportedly pleading with protest organizers to avoid taking their protest onto the freeway. Tear gas has been deployed to prevent protesters from taking over the freeway.
Megan Thompson @MeganABC15.@NoheG says @phoenixpolice chief has spoken to Rev. Maupin, trying to discourage him from leading protest toward freeway.#abc15
A reporter was among those arrested in Rochester, New York, a local outlet reports.
Follow13WHAM ✔@13WHAM
BREAKING: 13WHAM reporter @jus2ice arrested while covering protests on East Avenue #13WHAM
A police line has formed in Phoenix to keep protesters off the freeway.
FollowHeather_Kozan @Heather_Kozan
A police line is blocking protesters from access to the I-10 freeway. Live video here: … #PhoenixRally
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FollowHeather_Kozan @Heather_Kozan
Pepper spray was dispursed! #PhoenixRally …
ABC15 Arizona
NOW: @phoenixpolice deploy pepper spray against protesters near 7th Street/Fillmore. #abc15
CNN confirms the tear gas reports in Phoenix, as do other media.”
Source: Breitbart
Amen OMG Keep the White House Hillary Free 2016! Yes I’m Right It’s Up To You RNC/GOP No Donald No Vote Period! Time For Your Members To Step Up And Fully Support Donald He Has Earned The Nomination By Defeating 16 Other Contenders. He Brought Out Record Numbers Of Republicans, Democrats & Independent Voters To Support Him As The Peoples Choice For President Of The United States Of America! Donald J. Trump 2016 Then He Will Put Obama In Gitmo & Hillary For Prison 2016!!!
Gonna Give EVERYBODY A SHOT?!?!?
According to Harvard and CDC:
There are 320 million Americans.
There are an estimated 20 million illegals.
Almost 13% of the population of the United States is African American.
Every year there roughly there are 11,000-12,000 homicides with a firearm. (more people are aborted than that, more people are killed by knives than that, more people die from driving than that. More people die from obesity than that.
Of the 800K police officers in the nation local, county and state (1 in 425 people).
# of people shot and killed by a police officer counted in 2015 1140 killed of which less than 300 African Americans were killed by cops. Of those 95% were justified legal killings, meaning the cops did the right thing. Overall odds of getting shot wrongly by a cop in a year being less than 7.92 million to 1 for a white guys, and 14.18 million to 1 for an African American. It’s a non issue.
Nearly 6000.00 of those 11,000 to 12,000 is black on black murder in our cities across the country. Chances of a black man dying by the hands of another black man is 1 in 12,000
Crime Statistics in USA:
65% of all murders are caused by African Americans
55% of all armed robbery/burglary caused by African Americans
45% of all assault caused by African Americans
Yet they make up almost 13% of the nation but cause over half the crime.
Facts aren’t racist….Google it for yourself… CDC, Harvard Law, and other sources you can easily find good stats and facts.
BLM is loaded with criminals…and that sucks for those that are good people that are saddened by all the hate happening thanks to the guy in the whitehouse…