Carlos Anthony Hollins is behind bars because of alleged deadly threats on his Twitter account with a Black Lives Matter hashtag
The the BLM movement is a great attraction for those with a vendetta against whites and police. Fortunately, the call for violence made by Hollins was discovered and La Plata Police Department still have officers patrolling after his arrest.
Read his tweet on the next page:
Were not the only thugs.
We need for that worthless president to put a stop to this or IMPEACH HIM
Good. Arrest every single ones making threats and giving support to those that do.
That good ole pen and phone
Don’t mean to sound racist I just hate ignorant people and almost every person is
The BLM doesn’t breed hate mongers….they are a peaceful group….says no one
Agree, however you need to be accountable for the crimes to do commit.
GOOD – it’s about time.
Lock them all up.
Right. Only the ones that think law dont aply to them.