Carlos Anthony Hollins is behind bars because of alleged deadly threats on his Twitter account with a Black Lives Matter hashtag
The the BLM movement is a great attraction for those with a vendetta against whites and police. Fortunately, the call for violence made by Hollins was discovered and La Plata Police Department still have officers patrolling after his arrest.
Read his tweet on the next page:
You idiots realize #blacklivesmatter is a leaderless en$#%&!@*y right? And has that redneck from Texas who threatened to get protesters addresses and that the last thing they’ll hear is a gun shot been arrested?
The leader is a white guy,,,funded by George Soros,,,you should ready more
Let’s start a new movement called “No Lives Matter” who’s motto would be “Equal Opportunity Haters” How about that? It isn’t like too many people’s lives do matter amy is it? I mean they’re all pretty much equally worthless if they weren’t we wouldn’t have Blah Blah Blah Lives Matter. I mean what’s next? Elephant Lives Matter? Duck Lives Matter? Hell why not Dead People Matter? At least the “No Lives Matter” movement would be honest and tell people to STFU.
Nope… I know Soros pays some people to protest but I wasn’t paid to go to one… And providing money and calling the shots are two different things. There is no order to black lives matter the protests are for the most part spontaneous black lives matter is more like anonymous than the naacp or black Panthers
Looks like the f*g from revenge of the nerds.
obama will get him off
uneducated losers blaming others for their choices in life.
The government
Arrest All Those Black RACIST Thugs Up! Especially That Terrorist Hate Group, black lives matters, All American Lives Matter, Everyone Who Thinks Differently, is a Racist n Doesn’t Belong in America! Wake America, Shut This TERRORIST Hate Organization DOWN!
Look at pot calling pot black. Lol y’all amuse me