The whole thing is an insult and a deception. Do “black lives matter?” All human lives matter. As soon as they don’t, your society is headed to disaster. But a society that allows violence to drive its social and political agendas has a bleak future as well. If powerful monied interests are pushing that violence to achieve political gains, and nothing is done to expose them, your society probably doesn’t even deserve a bright future.
The irony and tragedy of our time is that we have the first black president in the White House at the same time as racial tensions are starting to look more like the 1960s. For those of us who lived through that turbulent period, it’s nothing we would want to go back to.
We had hoped we were beyond that. Apparently not. And while it’s probably not politically correct to say it, our president isn’t helping the cause of racial harmony. In fact, he and his allies like George Soros are using the “Black Lives Matter” movement to stoke racial tensions. What a far cry from the ideals expressed by at least some of the leaders of civil rights movement of the 60’s.
So what is the latest manifestation of the BLM movement?
God,,,, try it…. the 14% begging to become the 2%.
The just think they want a race war . they dont ubderstand they are out numbered 10 to 1 … Careful what you wish for once they start it alot of them will cry like little girls wanting to act like they are a victom.. Im glad i live in Texas and dont have to deal with these idiots we have protest but thats what it is a protest these blm people just wanna rob steal and destroy…
Not living to better yourself, living to tear down stores, buildings, turn over cars, burn stores and complain that you don’t have anything. Go to work.
This is reminiscent of the Taliban in Afghanistan and Isis in Iraq/Syria attempting to erase history just because it may be offensive to them. And now it’s come to America via of Black Lives Dont Matter !!!!
As of this moment, 44 days until election. We shall see if there is to be war or not. HOLD until then!
Start with Obama and Soros take them 2 out in the s*** will stop wake up America so the only solution otherwise he’s going to declare martial law then we’ll have a revolution on our hands a lot of innocent blood will be spilled wake up America let’s take our country back God bless
You gonna get your butts whupped!
Hey idiots doing this c**p… every time you destroy a business, you stop tax payments to the government… so eventually the money will slow down and eventually stop… then what? Economy sinks further .. you opportunities for employment if wanted ends.. things just get worst! Destruction of property or monuments will gain no result!! Wise up.. if you can, stop the madness before it takes a turn for the worst and the real American Patriots respond to your foolish actions!!!
Gun them down we need are monuments men.
Bring it!