Activists from Black Lives Matter at a NetRoots Nation Presidential Town Hall last weekend in Phoenix, Arizona were somehow not brought up on charges as domestic terrorist. They shouted responses to the stipulation “If I die in police custody” with calls for violence, like “Burn everything down,” “Rise the f*ck up,” and “Avenge my death! By any means necessary!”
Black Lives Matter Founder Patrisee Cullors orchestrated the entire shouting of their manifesto.
And people only rant about white priviledge. Could you imagine a white person doing this?
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Home grown terriost
ya what about white lives they matter to and don’t for get it
These are not Americans.
The largest group of stupid people
It is obvious, these people are completely ignorant, delusional, deranged, mentally challenged liberal low life s$#%&!@*. They $#%&!@*ociate with leaders with the same mentality sad to say.
Yellow, red and white lives matter and they don’t have a mob mentality!
This is why America should be an all white country.
Hold her responsible for the actions she is inciting.
With addi$#%&!@* like that that’s why they die in police custody the ask for trouble if you people hate it here so bad go back to your home land see how you like it there
The only difference from that person and your page is they clearly state it you say it under a vale.