Activists from Black Lives Matter at a NetRoots Nation Presidential Town Hall last weekend in Phoenix, Arizona were somehow not brought up on charges as domestic terrorist. They shouted responses to the stipulation “If I die in police custody” with calls for violence, like “Burn everything down,” “Rise the f*ck up,” and “Avenge my death! By any means necessary!”
Black Lives Matter Founder Patrisee Cullors orchestrated the entire shouting of their manifesto.
And people only rant about white priviledge. Could you imagine a white person doing this?
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agree with Karl,we been labeled redneck and i embraced it,Sammy I’m taking your picture lol
Perfect. It just shows how stupid “the org black lives matter really is””
I believe in the old ways, if someone screws with you, you kill them, their family and burn their house down, problem solved…
ehat are you nuts ? liberal babies grow up to be liberals…..let the liberals and blacks kill their off spring..the less there is the better.
oh comeone, violence means you are a sissy ? I think not, I think those who preach non violence are really the fken sissies. No-one messes with me you know why ? because i’ll fk them up if they do…I call it YAD, your $#%&!@*ured destruction.. if you screw with me !..I’m no $#%&!@*.
cowards hide behind their own greatness and their so called inteligence…”I dont need to figh “t, yeah, because you are a fken $#%&!@* and will lose that fight…it’s not inteligence, it’s cowardice…
not the liberals or nigers…
what would happen if all the blacks were suddenly gone ?
if it were not for abortion, there would be 50 million more liberals and blacks in america…, hell i aplade them for killing their off spring, kill more….many many more… the pro life, pro freedom right wing numbers grow everyday while the blacks and liberals decline in numbers everyday. blacks rob and kill blacks and mostly liberal who live among side them, they are the victems of their crimes…so let them all kill one another and their babies…the worlds a better place without them !
Redneck works for me too, bootom line is we all matter!