Black Lives Matter activists and people of the Muslim faith are often accused of intense, built-in hatred for white Americans. Some even claim that they crave violence and destruction of whites and Christians.
Not often, however, do we hear them say it themselves.
As crazy as it may seem — or not — that’s exactly what was said by a Muslim Black Lives Matter co-founder. Apparently, the cravings are so intense, she seeks intervention from a higher power to keep her from committing racist, violent acts against the people by whom she feels oppressed.
Of course, the only thing that is likely oppressing her is her psychotic desire to kill. When you admit to having anti-white murderous tendencies, it’s likely not systematic racism that’s holding you back. What’s holding her back is the fact that she’s absolutely insane.
Still, the insane are no less dangerous, and the groups she represents are among the most dangerous to the continuation of of the American way.
See her insane, murderous thoughts spelled out on the next page:
The fear of Death and the Law should do that if not a Moral fortitude!
Sounds like she needs a Psyche Eval for those Ignorant, Violent, Racisct, Bigoted Tendencies and some Anger Management Classes
Come at me with that…. I’ll help you find relief
Why is she here?
This President needs to have his head examined. He says you are a racist if you don’t rent to felons. The guy is psycho. I guess if you refuse to marry a felon you are racist too?? I guess when a felon puts a gun to your head and demands money you are a racist for not handing your money over??$#%&!@*racism and$#%&!@*you Obama!!!$#%&!@*BLM which should be labeled a terrorist organization along with Muslim brotherhood. The race card is overplayed so I guess we are all racists by your standards and nobody cares anymore. This nut wants Americans to bow to Negroes and give them everything they want!!! Truth is he plans on pardoning millions of prisoners before he leaves office and he wants landlords to rent to them. He’s bringing in thousands of Syrian terrorists too. He’s shitting on the United States in his final year in office because he’s a$#%&!@*!
How about you find a nice insane asylum????
Come have that desire b******t here in Arizona. We have guns and we stand our ground. Don’t care if you are a man or woman or the color of your skin. You talk about killing and try to do something, I will put you down twice over all the same.
I doubt she’d appreciate the realization that whites can shoot better than her trash.
The thing they forget is that we are not just going to sit idly by and let them kill us. Big mistake to underestimate white people.
someone should do here a favor
She’s asking the wrong guy. Allah is Satan. He’s the reason why she has murder in her heart.