Black Lives Matter activists and people of the Muslim faith are often accused of intense, built-in hatred for white Americans. Some even claim that they crave violence and destruction of whites and Christians.
Not often, however, do we hear them say it themselves.
As crazy as it may seem — or not — that’s exactly what was said by a Muslim Black Lives Matter co-founder. Apparently, the cravings are so intense, she seeks intervention from a higher power to keep her from committing racist, violent acts against the people by whom she feels oppressed.
Of course, the only thing that is likely oppressing her is her psychotic desire to kill. When you admit to having anti-white murderous tendencies, it’s likely not systematic racism that’s holding you back. What’s holding her back is the fact that she’s absolutely insane.
Still, the insane are no less dangerous, and the groups she represents are among the most dangerous to the continuation of of the American way.
See her insane, murderous thoughts spelled out on the next page:
Try shooting yourself in the head, that might help.
F**k the$#%&!@*their are plenty of whites that want to kill blacks too.
why ask help from a thing that does,t exist?
Put her in a mental hospital that should curb the urge !!!!!!
Stupid bitch
arrest her
this is the way they are murdering whites and dismantling them this is what they mean by dismantling whitness…/obama_administration…
Articles: Obama Administration Sticking it to Whitey
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Keith Darnell
Keith Darnell Is the Obama administration, or at least some officials in it, hostile toward whites? This is certainly an awkward, publicly unspeakable question — and answering it is exceptionally difficult. Not easy to discern the motives of countless Washington bureaucrats.
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Keith Darnell
Keith Darnell Beyond these immediate problems inflicted on whites will be, in all likelihood, the political costs of changing these once relatively racially homogeneous suburbs. Ferguson, MO is the future: more communal racial strife, yet more whites will flee, civil rights groups demanding more “inclusionary” policies, and, eventually, Department of Justice intervention to remedy alleged race-related injustices — a “too white” police department, too few black office holders or an excessive expulsion rates of black students, to name but a few possibilities.
One can only wonder why officials cannot foresee this racial-train-wreck-in-the-making. This is punitive policy-making that can only reflect the presence of deeply rooted racial animosities. Helping poor African Americans find decent housing is just the polite cover story. At least some government officials in the Obama administration want to punish suburban whites and given that Uncle Sam will foot the bills, inflicting this damage is irresistible.
A ditch would do full of hogs !!