Black Lives Matter in St. Paul has declared that the Minnesota State Fair is a racist event and states that they will disrupt operations on August 27th when it opens.
How can a group like this be judge and jury of businesses and then hamper their operations and not be considered ‘domestic terrorists’?
Libs fight so had for discrimination laws, then support groups like this who ignore their use and simply terrorize whoever they vilify.
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And that’s suppose to make people believe they matter? The problem is that THEY DO NOT BELIEVE THEY MATTER! That’s why they do this c**p. They do not respect others and therefore incapable of respecting themselves.
Move on $#%&!@*s
Who ever lives there don’t let these thugs ruin your time with family, you must stand in numbers to defeat this $#%&!@*ault on American heritage
They need to grow up, shut up and go home, they are just a bunch of reverse Ku Klux Klan vigilantes!
They r terrorist
SWAT Teams, Prison Buses and p$#%&!@* the hand cuffs, fill up the jails!
@[100000538331850:2048:Lexi Clark] did he just say that Einstein and Tesla invented electricity…
Black LIES matters like all the other bs group is looking for their 15 minutes of fame! IGNORE them!
Amen brother!
If black lives matter why do blacks keep murdering their young men and aborting their unborn babies?