Black Lives Matter in St. Paul has declared that the Minnesota State Fair is a racist event and states that they will disrupt operations on August 27th when it opens.
How can a group like this be judge and jury of businesses and then hamper their operations and not be considered ‘domestic terrorists’?
Libs fight so had for discrimination laws, then support groups like this who ignore their use and simply terrorize whoever they vilify.
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And I don’t care about yours.
Go hang yourself.
For using their freedom of speech?
Prove that Black Lives Matter while you’re trying to prove All Other Lives Don’t Matter! They are as Racist and Bigoted as Barack Hussein Obama is, Liberals love this c**p when they are trying to push it down the throats of everyone else. ALL LIVES MATTER! or didn’t you know?
It was a violent takeover of a speech. Did you see the video, they were taking away freedom of speech, it was far from a courteous interruption
For using their free speech?
So what?
Having an abortion doesn’t kill a human being.
They are not human at that point.
It’s like calling someone that eats seeds a plant killer.
It’s not a plant at that point so it’s not killing a plant.
So aborting is killing a person.
DNA is not the same there a big difference between humans n animals there animals so wizen up what u going to do when them animals attack u
I think “black lives matter” IS a terroist organization as well as being OBVIOUSLY racist at its core.