Black Lives Matter in St. Paul has declared that the Minnesota State Fair is a racist event and states that they will disrupt operations on August 27th when it opens.
How can a group like this be judge and jury of businesses and then hamper their operations and not be considered ‘domestic terrorists’?
Libs fight so had for discrimination laws, then support groups like this who ignore their use and simply terrorize whoever they vilify.
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When is the govenor gonna send in the national guard shot some , kill some the rest will see we mean bussiness, unless they are just ignorant
Black lives are the same racist as Sharpton
My father always told me. You don’t need an education to be stupid.
Uncivilized thugs
I declare black lives matter Racist. Does that hold water any more than their declaration?
They should be treated like terrorists by the way the are disrupting good peoples lives.
BLM is a terrorist group. Thugs.
All lives matter.
Morons! They just enjoy being disrespectful ! They have nothing important to say!
All lives Matter. So why Are their so many shootings?