Black Lives Matter in St. Paul has declared that the Minnesota State Fair is a racist event and states that they will disrupt operations on August 27th when it opens.
How can a group like this be judge and jury of businesses and then hamper their operations and not be considered ‘domestic terrorists’?
Libs fight so had for discrimination laws, then support groups like this who ignore their use and simply terrorize whoever they vilify.
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Welcome to Minnesota
Screw Black Lives Matter, Jail All of them who disrupt !!
their money comes from George Soros a card packing communists and a backer of both obama and the clintons.
They should be deemed “Domestic Terrorists” and treated as such.
The biggest racist sits in the White House…..wait is that considered racist? Maybe it’s called the Black House now.
I don’t know what these idiots are thinking. But you want to go to the fair and start this c**p, there are Minnesotans that will beat them senseless if they start messing with them. Not a good idea. People are getting real tired of this c**p. Peaceful protesting is one thing. Blocking access to events or people to go to work is another… Like the fair manager said it would be far more productive to have a space at the fair. like he offered them but they declined which is what they claimed they wanted and was the whole reason they started this garbage, which is now obviously a blatant lie. They want to cause chaos and start a fight. This is ridiculous
They are looking for a confrontation . An excuse to go looting and rioting. Such a pity they cannot see the harm they are doing to their own race!
It should be