Black Lives Matter in St. Paul has declared that the Minnesota State Fair is a racist event and states that they will disrupt operations on August 27th when it opens.
How can a group like this be judge and jury of businesses and then hamper their operations and not be considered ‘domestic terrorists’?
Libs fight so had for discrimination laws, then support groups like this who ignore their use and simply terrorize whoever they vilify.
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The State Fair is opened to anyone that can afford to go. They don’t care what color you are, just go have fun and spend alot of money there
Pretty soon talking a c**p will be considered racist.
These creeps are bought and paid for
This is a terrorist group. They will destroy anything, property or lives that get in their way and disagree with their agenda. It does not matter if their agenda has any truth in it or not.
This is very true!!!
Those claiming racism are the true racists
This is a terrorist group and should be treated as such.
Do you want to know why people burn books?
They are afraid of the IDEAS inside.
Let me tell all you Leaders out there a really fun fact…
(Politicians, religious leaders, tyrants, people in power)
You can’t kill an IDEA; once it gets started there is no way to stop it.
Yes, you can change history.
Yes, you can kill everyone that heard of that IDEA.
Yes, you can even repress education to what you think, “Should be taught”.
You really can.
Here is the really FUN FACT…
People think, dream, imagine… Eventually someone will recreate that IDEA.
Want Proof?
Einstein and Tesla both invented electricity…
2 guys came up with the same IDEA…
And those are just the guys we know about.
It might just be me…
… But back in the day wasn’t God talking to like everyone?
Even after the death of Jesus… Disciples were still running around raising the dead and healing the crippled….
…Is it REALLY to much to ask God… “Hey just do something you did 2000 years ago so i can devote my entire life to YOU and save the fallen?
Wanna know the answer the men that take 10% of my money for their church tell me? “Do not question God He works in mysterious ways”.
If Followers of God/Allah can raise the DEAD 2000 FREAKING YEARS AGO…
…Then Heal an Amputee…
…I will be the first one collecting money with those weird “baskets on poles”.
Read the story of Saul numbnuts.
OK Bikers hope to see you there!