Black Lives Matter in St. Paul has declared that the Minnesota State Fair is a racist event and states that they will disrupt operations on August 27th when it opens.
How can a group like this be judge and jury of businesses and then hamper their operations and not be considered ‘domestic terrorists’?
Libs fight so had for discrimination laws, then support groups like this who ignore their use and simply terrorize whoever they vilify.
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I’ve enjoyed all of “Black Lives Matter” I can stand !
Isn’t it more likely that their are fewer black run businesses than whites not because blacks are being picked over, but because there are just fewer black business owners? When as a culture you place more value on drugs, music, and making a quick buck vs getting an education that is given to everyone free of charge, who is really to blame? When kids grow up in homes where whitey is the enemy, their lot in life is everyone else’s fault and this en$#%&!@*lement mentality, those kids grow up with that same mindset. When you grow up in a home that values hard work and education, the world benefits greatly from that diversity of having black doctors, lawyers, business owners and other successful black professionals. But when the culture you foster is blame, easy money and victimization whose fault is it really that more blacks aren’t successful? Tell your kids they are smart and can become anything and that creates drive and hunger. Tell your kids the ridiculous narrative that everyone hates them and can’t wait to supress or kill them and everyone owes them and they’ll never feel like they need to strive for anything better
as a black man,i totally agree with what you are saying,the problem is there are 2 cl$#%&!@*es of blacks in this country,there are blacks and there are n***as, the latter only wants to play victims and wallow in a big pity party making themselves as the victim of everything.they refuse to take responsibility for their own actions,refuse to change their situation and prefer to place blame on someone,especiallywhites,jews asians and ‘uncle tom’ blacks. and the liberal media just keeps fanning the flames.
“Black Lives Martter” is a silly bunch of thugs with a motto looking for a purpose. Why don’t the change it tosometing meaningful like “Black Jobs Matter.:
Shoot them.
I hope Dallas doesn’t put up with this BS!!!
all people matter;s get real…God put us all here..shut up & get a life
I think I might be a racist, I don’t care about Muslims lives!!!
These people are terrorists and thugs. Their lives aren’t the only ones that matter. Throw them in jail
Lol they don’t