Black Lives Matter in St. Paul has declared that the Minnesota State Fair is a racist event and states that they will disrupt operations on August 27th when it opens.
How can a group like this be judge and jury of businesses and then hamper their operations and not be considered ‘domestic terrorists’?
Libs fight so had for discrimination laws, then support groups like this who ignore their use and simply terrorize whoever they vilify.
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They are just as ignorant and racist as KKK or Black Panthers, Racist Hate groups should be ALL charged with Hate crimes. They also should be forced to pay all the fees to rebuild Ferguson twice, rebuild Baltimore and any other serious of crimes that they have promoted including the hate crimes committed against police officers. And anyone who defaces a national monument should be tried AND executed for treason. If these whiny liberals would apply themselves thanks to affirmative action and race specific college funds and they spent as much time working as they do rioting and “protesting” they would be able to achieve anything. But it’s much easier to just play the victim. Even the KKK don’t spread as much hate and violence as these terrorists. But yet they “deserve to act however they want” because 300 years ago a black man pe$#%&!@*ioned in court to be the first Slave Owner and have his indentured servant permanently his property. Barbary Pirates flooded the US with slaves (black, Asian, Hispanic and Irish) and 200 years ago a white man freed them, 50 years ago Republicans fought to give them civil rights, LBJ a democrat signed into law an act that would “Have them N)($*’s voting democrat for 200 years” and democrats have convinced them that they are all victims. Yet somehow the majority of them still vote democrat. In the United States the current “Slavery” is the convincing them that they are victims and can’t get anywhere because of “The white man” There are so many respectful, intelligent successful black people out there and unfortunately these thugs are the only ones who get media attention. And in their eyes any successful educated black man is a traitor to his race. If white groups have said the things that these thugs have stated and done the things that they have done in todays society would be in jail, yet these morons and Al Sharpton who owes the IRS $4 million dollars are walking around free. Being Black does not give you the right to destroy buildings, loot stores, steal from a store and bum rush a cop, shoot a cop. If you commit the crime you deserve to do the time. If you rob a store YOU DESERVE TO BE SHOT regardless of the color of your skin. It is a shame the people of ANY color makes ignorant racist statements. No one person of any color is worthless because of the color of their skin, However a person of ANY color is worthless because of their bad actions. What does rioting and looting actually accomplish? Proving to those that think “all blacks” are violent and ignorant that they are right and convincing others that don’t have contact with many black people that this is “How all blacks live”. There are black and white thugs and if you steal or destroy you DESERVE to be shot. Did you see white people attacking “black neighborhoods” protesting OJ Simpson getting off scot free for murdering his “white” wife.. and pre Obama, news headlines weren’t racist like they are today. Every news article today has to describe the color of a persons skin no matter what it is in order to get better ratings. And obviously black lives “Don’t Matter” when it comes to abortion, and all the black on black crimes in Chicago, Detroit, NYC, and other areas where m$#%&!@*ive amounts of murders happen. Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger formed PP and established them in highly concentrated “black” populated areas to control the black population because “all black people are like weeds” And Hillary Clinton has praised Margaret Sanger “I admire Margaret Sanger” and used a flag she deems “racist” for her husbands electoral campaign. Yet African Americans continue to say they will vote for her. Wake up people! 30 million African American babies slaughtered and sold for profit since Roe V. Wade, yet white Republicans are responsible for African Americans being oppressed,
Watch out there will be some cowboys there and they wont take ur bs!
These people are complete dip$#%&!@*s.
Shoot them they are on state grounds
Black lives matter is an anti American terrorist group. Where are DHS and FBI?
What a joke…
God help a police officer that might be forced to use his or hers weapon to protect someone ,their selves,or fellow officers
Pretty soon we are going to have to have white pencil lead and back paper to write on. This is really getting REDICULOS! (sorry about spelling)
No they ain’t racist or terrorists! That’s just us cons$#%&!@*utional whiteys!