Black Lives Matter is once again causing chaos and stripping Americans of their Christmas cheer so they can bring light to… whatever it is they’re angry about nowadays.
That’s the problem with Black Lives Matter. They’ve devolved from what was once at least a theoretically justifiable movement to one focused solely on causing chaos with no clear message.
Make no mistake, Black Lives Matter was never correct in its anger. Jury after jury ruled against them in their most pivotal causes, but at least then you knew why they were angry. Now, however, they just disrupt and destroy everything in their path without clear purpose.
It just goes to show that, more likely than not, Black Lives Matter never had anything to do with black lives mattering. It was just an excuse for hooligans to destroy the livelihoods of hardworking Americans while getting cheered on and protected by the media.
Check out the video on the next page to see their most recent outburst:
Thats normal.
Agree sonny
Mr. Pickett, you have won best comment of the year award.
Thank you very much
Haha I love it. Cool
Black Lives Matter is doing this and only stripping themselves of Christmas cheer and any type of happiness for the joy of doing Obama’s bidding. They are the ones that will miss out on respect from people that feel sorry for them and have had enough BS of them. They will be the ones that will see more and more Americans angered at them. They will suffer for the cause of Obama and Obama will be laughing at them.
The divide between the races has widened since. Obama has took office . With the possibly of Islamic terrorists coming here and causing death and destruction. …these BLM people are making it easy for these people. By causing distractions.
Need to do away with all of them !!!!!!!!!!1
BLM is a domestic terrorist group and needs to be stopped!
They will never convince most of us of that !!! If they were all gone no one would miss them ,people wont admit it !!!!!!! that’s whats wrong !!!!!!!!