At a rally in Seattle this past Saturday, Bernie Sanders found himself sidelined during a speech as activists from Black Lives Matters commandeered the stage.
On the one year anniversary of Michael Brown’s death in Ferguson, two women and a man from a Seattle chapter of Black Lives Matter demanded that Sanders to give them the mic before shoving him aside to address the crowd. After a bit of confusion, campaign officials permitted the activists to take over.
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You cant help STUPID
The Moron let them get away with it.
i wouldn’t have let them or anyone take over my speech..they are just puppets of george soros and koch brothers. they want hillary to win..and race riots.. B L M aren’t legitimate civil rights movement.. when i heard they were protesting they didnt get paid by mr soros after the fergerson stuff… i was so disgusted w all of this i could taste the vomit — they are ruining all the hard work of martin luther king — who was a good man..this is just promoting chaos and stupidity.
Folks, how long are we going to let this go on in this country? Let people take things out of your hands. Push their way in front of you. This is going to fester and then it will leave a mark.
Joining the NAAWP.
Jason sorry don’t have time for your videos .
Make sure everyone has an ID.