At a rally in Seattle this past Saturday, Bernie Sanders found himself sidelined during a speech as activists from Black Lives Matters commandeered the stage.
On the one year anniversary of Michael Brown’s death in Ferguson, two women and a man from a Seattle chapter of Black Lives Matter demanded that Sanders to give them the mic before shoving him aside to address the crowd. After a bit of confusion, campaign officials permitted the activists to take over.
See the following page:
If black lives matter that much stop kill each other!
That is true Donald………..but remember; there are more than 1 race; theres many more; so All Lives Matter!
Are they a government controlled organization?? They only attack whites and cops and join riots a lot!!
All they care about are african americans.isnt that racist against everyone else with minority problems??
I got one word: COINTEL. Don’t be naive or blind. Check into these women’s backgrounds for real.
Liberals can’t be racist Denny. Only conservatives can.
they must have learned this from kanye
Trolls! The one on the right is a Sarah Palin follower!!