At a rally in Seattle this past Saturday, Bernie Sanders found himself sidelined during a speech as activists from Black Lives Matters commandeered the stage.
On the one year anniversary of Michael Brown’s death in Ferguson, two women and a man from a Seattle chapter of Black Lives Matter demanded that Sanders to give them the mic before shoving him aside to address the crowd. After a bit of confusion, campaign officials permitted the activists to take over.
See the following page:
Don’t know why they treated this socialist idiot bad, he’s one of them.
No reasoning with these people at all. The majority of them are the same.
If they truly believe black lives matter then teach them to have respect for others, other proples propert and for the law and teach them to obey the law and if they dop get stopped by police do not resist or fight the police. Start doing that and then it will prove that black lioves do matter to them selfs.
This is ironic on so many levels. On one side, Mr. Sanders was a civil rights activists during the time of MLK and supported him. These BLM activists just bit the hand that fed them.
The other case of irony: Mr. Sanders is an enabler and these privileged welfare babies are the product of everything he stands for.
Come too think of it, this is proof that socialism will ultimately destroy itself.
Uncivilized & rude people, never are listened to.
Very true, though I find it ironic that this rally only proves that in the end socialism will inevitably destroy itself.
wtf was Bernies security detail, she would have been hauled off to jail for a week if this had been at a Hillary or Jeb speech, Unreal. She is a pos and does not deserve anything!
Racist comment. Yet you think all whites are racist?? You seriously need a lesson on life and people. Not every white is racist.