At a rally in Seattle this past Saturday, Bernie Sanders found himself sidelined during a speech as activists from Black Lives Matters commandeered the stage.
On the one year anniversary of Michael Brown’s death in Ferguson, two women and a man from a Seattle chapter of Black Lives Matter demanded that Sanders to give them the mic before shoving him aside to address the crowd. After a bit of confusion, campaign officials permitted the activists to take over.
See the following page:
I smell a rat!
These $#%&!@*O from Black Lives Matter got angry went they were told that All Lives Matter (because they think they are better than Latinos, Asians, Natives, and whites) and also they called the anonymous group, the new KKK. So watch out if you don’t fit their political agenda you may end up as a racist.
Who ever said they were smart?
Magalee Çırpılı perhaps you could enlighten us with some actual statistics? So you think blacks should not go to jail for killing blacks? What’s really odd his how the press covers up stuff when blacks kill whites and also ignore illegals murdering citizens no matter what color they are. I guess you are just mad because no matter how many meetings you have nothing changes so then you go after police who defend themselves like the case of Brown and when you think they are white with Zimmerman.
Disgraceful! Why didn’t they cut the mike? Problem solved!
Brainwashed with bad info!
sorry blacks cant even give a person the right to speech
shows how weak sanders really is
Looks like what we use to call heathens. Still true.
Those girls should have been arrested for disturbing the peace.