At a rally in Seattle this past Saturday, Bernie Sanders found himself sidelined during a speech as activists from Black Lives Matters commandeered the stage.
On the one year anniversary of Michael Brown’s death in Ferguson, two women and a man from a Seattle chapter of Black Lives Matter demanded that Sanders to give them the mic before shoving him aside to address the crowd. After a bit of confusion, campaign officials permitted the activists to take over.
See the following page:
what the hell did you expect
Magalee, are you insane or can’t you read? Take a look at the FBI crime stats.
They keep being so rude for no reason other than to be disruptive and that may make folks start to wonder.
In the black community, the victim’s family don’t cooperate with the police so they can handle it on there own, so no one goes to jail and thus creates more violence.
let the man speak and all life matters so shut the f*** up
Trouble makers. .looking to start trouble
Only some black lives matter, and it sure isn’t the ones who cause such terrible troubles for the rest.
Omg really Magalee, there are lots of unarmed white people that get killed by police, you don’t hear about it because of the biased media, not news worthy.
How can he stand up against ISIS if he won’t stand up to 2 women in Seattle? How can he manage the country if he campaign staff don’t properly organize the rally and have security?
That’s the only way they know how to act.