At a rally in Seattle this past Saturday, Bernie Sanders found himself sidelined during a speech as activists from Black Lives Matters commandeered the stage.
On the one year anniversary of Michael Brown’s death in Ferguson, two women and a man from a Seattle chapter of Black Lives Matter demanded that Sanders to give them the mic before shoving him aside to address the crowd. After a bit of confusion, campaign officials permitted the activists to take over.
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This I agree with
Hell NO-
Why were they allowed to act like uneducated thugs? They only do that because no one stops them. Where are the backbone to stop thuggery?
Blacks are more focused on the color of their skin and LESS focused on the intelligence of there Brain………..They always blame white people for anything and everything. The problem with most of them is lacking a good education. The same education whites and hispanics and any other nationality has in the US. Put away your guns and learn to mingle with whites and other people and go to integrated schools for a better education……but that means you use your brains and not your fists and want that education and possibly earn a scholarship to a college of choice. Don’t let some big mouth racist interrupt your plan or goals you have set for yourself. Their are a lot of black Americans that are very successful and you can be successful also. If you want to blame someone for not helping the lower housing areas and not upgrading the schools and keeping families on welfare….blame our dear president Obama for taking trillions of dollars (8,000,000,000, 000 and still adding on more zeros)
Obama wants you to think he’s your friend but what has he done to improve your way of life. He likes it when we are in conflict with each other because it takes the focus off of him and turns it on you that way he can continue to take OUR COUNTRY DOWN. Why?
Because he’s a Moslem.
KNOW THIS, “BLACK LIVES DO MATTER.” …..,It doesn’t matter to those people that only have half of a brain and even less of a heart. I’m white but I Love My Black Grandchildren and I’m proud of each and every one. We Are All Gods Children and he knows of no Race or color of People.
They can only do what you let them do..
Awwww look at these two precious outstanding citizens. Probably no job a racist and crackhead all at one time
They should unplugged the mic and knocked them off stage
If it wasn’t Sanders, I’d be angry…..but because it stopped his vile commie rhetoric….I’m good! BLACK LIVES MATTER! LMAO