While the left condemns Donald Trump and his followers for “stoking” violence, they very openly declare their intention to wreak havoc across America if the election doesn’t go their way.
Jumping on each and every instance of heated debate at Trump rallies as evidence that the candidate is contributing to a toxic political environment, media pundits and talking heads will in the same breath launch into apologetics when radicals like Tef Poe call for violence.
A rapper and vocal supporter of Black Lives Matter, Poe addresses “white people” in a video wherein he states that “n***as” will “incite riots everywhere” if the American people elect Donald Trump. He went on to say that he and his cohorts have been “too nice.”
Too nice? The movement Poe speaks on behalf encouraged thousands to riot and burn their own cities to the ground and he thinks the problem is they have been too nice?
Good lord, if that’s nice, I’d hate to see what Poe thinks qualifies as hostile behavior.
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First cancel their welfare checks
Do these guys realize their money man is an old withered racist George Soros? Wonder how that makes the head guy feel to know he is living in a white racist house? Jokes on them.
Come on jackass bring yourself down into my part of the country and they’ll take you home in a pine box you ignorant bastard
Arrest for threatening intensional public
Bring it
You better keep one thing in mind BLM ⬆️ assault weapons still mater! STAND DOWN!
Bring it bitches
Bring it, thug. You are in the minority.
Bunch of criminals who think they are above the law. And they wonder why so many are in jail. Wake up! You are your own worst enemy!