You can learn a lot about the tree just by examining its fruit. When examining the fruits of Mr. Obama’s approach to racial issues, one comes to the tragic conclusion that America’s first African-American president engaged in actions deliberately designed to inflame racial passions and destroy the racial harmony that has taken decades to achieve.
There were high hopes by many that Mr. Obama might have used his position as the nation’s first black president to increase racial harmony. But Obama, of course, had a hidden agenda to bring down the nation through everything from dissolving our borders, continuously breaking the law himself, inflaming racial tensions, creating a war on police, etc. etc.
The racial tensions that have flared throughout the country, and Mr. Obama’s public reactions to them are doing nothing positive for American society. The Black Lives Matter group has served as a rallying point for those intent on promoting racial violence, and is one fruit of Mr. Obama’s misguided actions and statements. He’s getting precisely what he wants as the African-American community get precisely what they do not need.
Page two looks at another outrageous result of what Obama has done.
The Kenyan Krickit aka Illegal Immigrant Hussein Obama a well known Chicago Muslim Community organizer has gone out of his way to destroy generations of successful relations between all Americans…
He is a racist idiot
What’s up with this Bubba Stith? Racism maybe?
Anyone suggesting that an individual “KILL” another person, regardless of the color of their skin, should be ashamed and if that individual is a lawyer, he/she should be disbarred.
I do not believe in not paying for your crime(s). I feel that way today and feel the same way in reference of years ago, when the shoe was on the other foot and Nothing happened. If equal justice and the penalties for crime was fair across the board, maybe, just, maybe people will see each other much different in the present days. What you think ?
Bubba Stith it’s apparent that criminal activity is NOT fair across the board as evidenced by Comey admitting Hillary’s criminal activity but claiming she didn’t “intend: to to it.. get real
John C Taylor brother I am Real. As real as real can get. You know the truth but you must maintain being your boy base. If that your flavor, stick with it.
Bubba Stith sorry you suffer from illusory truth