Passionate Chicago resident, a grassroots activists, speaks out against the elected officials and articulates in such a manner that those in office would be wise to sit up and listen.
Breitbart News interviewed to Zerlina Smith, on the streets of Chicago and let her speak her peace. Her depth of insight into the corrupt situation in her city and state is worth hearing, even though she politically is on the left, she sees through the hypocrisy in her own party.
Smith said, “Our mayor has lied, one to many times to the people of Chicago, and it is time for him to step down… If he really wants to be a leader he needs to really take control and start cleaning up his mess internally and start shoveling the sh*t down.”
On the next page, watch the video and read her perspective on her own parties corrupt elected officials.
Some people can see through the smoke and mirrors. The elite royal public servants we have elected spew words like excrement from their mouths disguised as pixie dust for votes. Not all are fooled as they suffer miserably and watch their false Gods live like kings and queens. They preach economic equality, racial equality, you name it, it’s all yours in their imagination! The reality is, when was this achieved in the last 7 years of Obama’s hope and change? Where?
Finally figured out what a phoney he is huh?
“Blacks have been Voting democrat for 50 Year’s & Their Still POOR”=said by a famous Black Basketball Player!!
BS do for yourselves ya lazy bums. Waiting for other to do it for you is OVER
And,…. The awed goes to those that punish white people. !!!!
I know that’s right.
Scumbag black garbage, liberal democrat does nothing but line her own pockets.
Could not agree more
And they will continue to do nothing