Outside Chicago’s City Hall, Zerlina Smith spoke with Brietbart News about her deep frustration with the powers that be in her city. A mother and Chicago black activist, Smith has some powerful insight into the issues that have destroyed her city, for years and what she believes needs to be done.
She was sharing in a memorial for Laquan McDonald, killed 13 months prior by a Chicago police officer and for the 9-year-old boy, Tyshawn Lee, who was murdered this past week.
Smith shared exclusively with Brietbart these thoughts.
“When I walk outside my door, there’s nothing a Democrat has done—African American or white or Hispanic—has done for me and my community.”
She articulated many concerns, the following are some of her pointed thoughts regarding the well known “Democrat
establishment” participating in the Black Friday protest, like Rev. Jesse Jackson, Congressman Rep. Bobby Rush (D-IL), and Rep. Danny Davis (D-IL), making these remarks.
“Don’t come out to use the death of our children for a political stunt… my take on it is they are out there to push their own political issues. If they were gonna come out there, they better come out not just when the cameras are rolling, but they should be out there all day, all night, every night, like we’ve been doing.
The Brietbart interviewer stated, “There is a split between grass roots black activists and the official party line…” and Smith responded.
“The division is real. You have elected officials, who have the power to bring about change in our community and yet still the only change was in their pocket and their household. There on the take, while the grassroots people are out hear doing it for free. The elected officials are puppets, they do what they are told, because they have a dollar amount and an “x” on their back by the Mayor, by the Governors, by whomever they can be bought by.”
The anger and frustration of many black residents of Chicago is real. The solutions will not be coming from the Democrat party, and until Republicans become successful at educating urban voters on the benefits of freedom and less government interference, the problems will continue.
You have hit the problem right on the money~!! Obama likes constant turmoil, his minons help him along, why all this , has all the black to parade around, enticing the police to shoot them, which is not what the ‘cops’ normally do, their job is to keep the peace, chase those who committ crimes~! Obama never had in his plan to advance the Black people, they have done poorly under him, lost jobs, just has caused RACISM, has had a lot of help from Rev. Al, & Rev Jesse~! Rahm good friend of Obama, would not bring the case forward of the deceased teen as it was election time, that case went unmentioned~! Rahm needs to be terminated~!!
The dummy’s will be after her now
Samuel Imperio Negron The policies that have failed Blacks for 60 years are Democratic policies the poor, run down, poverty stricken inner cities are controlled by Democrats. Blame Republicans for something else , there’s plenty of stuff but, the Democrats are responsible for padded pockets and failed policies regarding Blacks.