CLEVELAND, Ohio — The Heartless Felons, a black gang that originated in prison, has given its members orders to kill white officers in retaliation for the deaths of blacks at the hands of white officers, according to the Cuyahoga County Sheriff’s Office. The sheriff´s office refused to give any specific information on the tip, but claim it’s highly credible.
The group is the second largest prison gang in the state and are known for terrorizing detention centers.
I write my anti-progressive, anti atheist-socialist polemics as a libertarian leaning Christian, Capitalist Conservative. While I heartily endorse the Supreme Court’s Trinity Decision , that “we are a Christian nation” and it is the Socialist who first codified the term, “separation of church and state” in Stalin’s 1936 Soviet Constitution, Chapter X, Article 124, and I realize that as John in the New Testament speaks, “there are many Anti-Christs” and, as Paul said under the Holy Spirit’s direction, “enemies of the cross”, we have learned through Prohibition you can not legislate, or mandate, a revival , nor coerce people into the kingdom of Jesus Christ. There are many sin’s reproached and condemned in the sacred scriptures, that lead to damnation in the dread Judgment of the dead by Christ, which are, however not the concern nor purview of the state. . Freedom, liberty, tolerance, civility and political necessity for the tranquility and security of our country, culture and society mandate we allow citizens personal freedom in their choices of beliefs and behaviors. But as Christian men and women of integrity, morality and virtue, we personally should repent and renounce any word, though or deed contrary to the Bible, for we shall give an eternal account for every word, thought and deed, even the secret things of the heart. We hope to restore America to a Christian republic by our example, our chaste lives, our conduct and conversation only. Freedom, liberty, security and prosperity are usually the rewards and results of a majority of citizens living a holy, righteous, virtuous and disciplined life, willing to sacrifice to perform those scriptural duties towards Jehovah/Yaweh, our families,, our communities and countries and our determination to foster virtue, discipline and self-control within our spirit, soul-mind and body, And to strive for these ideals with humility and tolerance of those who do not wish to comply with these goals, insofar as they do not threaten security, safety, liberty, freedom and earned prosperity by their alternative religion, ideology or personal choices in behavior. What is Socialism but a neo-feudal oligarchy and plutocracy, where the non-elected Director replaces the Duke, The Commissar replaces the Count, The Bolshevik Bureaucrat replaces the Baron and Bishop.. The Socialist International is a re-created unHoly Roman Empire, ruled by elite liberal lords and progressive, plutocratic patricians. ( Such as those “too big to fail” financiers who control the Fed, IMF, World Bank, Bank of International Settlements, AIPAC and the national debts of all the decadent NATO nations) Liberals are those who assume the hubris of a self-anointed Platonic, enlightened philosopher king, who deem all Conservative, Capitalist, Constitution-loving, Christian, Caucasian, males in the private sector as benighted, ignorant cave dwellers who only see the shadows on the cave. Atheist, Marxist liberals and Democrats deem themselves to be Nietzsche’s “Superman”, so “Beyond Good and Evil” The elite liberal lords in politics, media, academia and law presume themselves ,( and are presumed by their Democratic voters and supporters) to be the infallible high priest in an atheist/ AntiChrist cult in which Government is God!
These Zionist and Communist aristocrats are in an unholy alliance with our perfidious and duplicitous “allies”; the Sunni or Wahhabi royal oil sheiks of the Persian Gulf. Ever since Mogadishu, The USS Cole and 9-11, it has been the royal, noble, sheiks of Saudi Arabia and Qatar, who have controlled the various, “old men of the mountain ” assassin sects that have murdered Africans, Middle Easterners, Libyans, Iraqis, Afghanis, Pakistanis, Real Syrians loyal to Assad. These private, mercenary, ninja armies of jihadist assassins, like those in ISIS and the FSA, have terrorized and tyrannized Christians, Hindus, Buddhist and , especially, Shia. But our globalist leaders, in their efforts to emulate Benedict Arnold, and make America a subject fief to this globalist cabal, have been treasonous enough,( in direct contempt for George Washington’s patriotic admonitions in his Farewell Address) to attempt to make America the Janissaries to this Sunni Caliphate by destroying every potential rival to Qatar and Riyadh. Counties around the globe especially Shia nations or those with Gazprom pipelines) have been reduced to rubble and anarchy.
In addition, since those Zionist/ Khazar plutocratic disciples of Theodor Herzl and Rabbi Kahne control the Fed, IMF, World Bank, Bank of the International Settlements, the national debt of those Brave New World-decadent hedonist NATO nations, AIPAC and that subsidiary of Goldman Sachs-the US Treasury, we have been forced to become subservient vassals to Tel Aviv/Manhattan. (This would explain Washington’s animosity to Iran and the Shia powers.) Our House of Representatives, Senate and Executive Branch betray us when they force their citizens to cosign a national debt of trillions, with deleterious terms, conditions and collateral to be confiscated when the loan defaults. A national debt is a deferred tax, a confiscation of wealth of the productive tax payers to the benefit of the foreign and the 1%, Zionist, dual-citizen, plutocrats who loaned the money.
Speaking in hyperbole, I would try and emulate Cassandra at Troy, Demosthenes at Athens, and Cicero at Rome and warn my fellow patriots and citizens of an impending despotic dictatorship and totalitarian Marxist or Muslim dictatorship, ( perhaps such as the Ba’ath Socialist of Egypt and Iraq advocated).
The 5 Legions of Lucifer are: 1)the Sunni/ Wahhabi jihadist, 2) the Zionist and their deceived Scoefield supporters, 3) The globalist Marxist, (like those in the UN, Democratic Party and other liberal /progressive groups), 4) the feminist and5) the Brave New world, Hollywood-style Hedonist. The belief that life is the pursuit of pleasure and the avoidance of pain is the most antithetical belief to the Gospel. It denies the self-sacrifice, training, endurance, patriotism and discipline that our duties to Jehovah/Yaweh-Family and Country require.
Hedonism, Feminism, Zionism, Sunni/Wahhabi Islam and globalist Marxism are the allied Armies of the Anti-Christ. Their agenda is the emasculation, enslavement and eradication of all Hindu, Shia and every Conservative, Capitalist, Constitution-loving, Christian, Caucasian, male in the private sector.
Why does it have to be like this God says we equal I live by that
they want a war….simple as that
I guess Police should shoot first, and then ask questions?
Because, they are murderes themselves and it gives them joy…They will never admit, that they did anything wrong…
“Father, forgive them, for they know not wht they do”.
I think Obama ordered Gangs to, so he could get Marshal Law in Place, He don’t know what we have for them !
And ANY that really did that NO MATTER their color or back ground or position should be JAILED as Terrorists and die if any person is murdered as a result of what they said, does not matter if its a cop dead or other person.
Shot like dogs
Let’s issue the warrants and remove them from society.