Obama has stirred up such hate for this country, especially in minority groups, that the rage and anger coming out across this nation is being manifested in disheartening ways. The administration has not come out against the splintering of the nation, where race is pitted against race and rich and against poor, but rather they fuel the fire, while encouraging the divide.
The message is not like that of days following 9/11, where “United We Stand” rang out from sea to shining sea, instead it is a boiling message of hate, from the top down, that America is the blight of the world and the flag is the representation of all things evil in this world.
Outside a Trump event in West Allis, Wisconsin, black activists stomp on the flag and curse and spit on Old Glory, while a veteran attempts to raise her up from her defiled state on the ground and honor her. The scene is study of the destructive leadership of Obama, who has treated our nation with contempt, dishonored our vets and gives amplification to the voices of divisiveness under the banner of tolerance.
See the videos on the next page.
They have nothing better to do, goes back to the parents. Wasted lives!
Shoot em
I want to know why no one stomped their asses into the ground?
prison for Obama, Clintons and their minions
Fire hoses rubber bullets ropes….tear gas agent orange!
If I see people doing this, I’m gonna get bloody over it. I’m not gonna argue with them; I’m not gonna tell them all the reasons why they’re wrong.
I’m gonna rush them and push them off the flag like a bowling ball hitting a bunch of pins. Then I’m gonna take their flag.
If I go to jail over it, I’m gonna make sure it was worth it.
Here is some truth. Obama can attack Donald Trump supporters, but we have been condemning him for 7 years now. He has been putt ing Americans and pitting us against each other for his entire presidency. What’s one more itself. The fact of the matter is the government is afraid. Because Donald Trump is fighting the world. Literally. He is fighting against the New World Order. We all know our country is going in the wrong direction. But do we know why? Please read my post and you will see what I found. It it may sound familiar and it May finally put some pieces together. Please bear with me. You can Google this is out there. I asked for the descriptions in Donald Trump rallies, it’s all Hillary. She is sitting Sanders supporters and Trump supporters against each other. Because these are the two Outsiders that could destroy what they have been planning for decades. Do not put anything past Hillary Clinton. There are at least 60 deaths surrounding the clintons in the past three decades. Not to mention Oliver Scandal and lies
They’re working towards a new world order. Read my following to posts. Bare with me I know their lone, but after you read them you will see and you will understand. In order to get the new world power, they have to break America.
Donald Trump was speaking on CNN this morning. He said a Mexican owned The New York Times. CNN tried to stop the audio is fast as they could. This is the deal. Yesterday on 93.1 radio, they were talking about the trans-pacific trade deal. It is a very secret trade deal that will affect our sovereignty as our country. It will be a very extremely bad deal for the American people Donald Trump found out about and someone who works for Donald Trump began talking about it on the radio and they cut him off immediately. The radio station belongs to Rupert Murdock. These people are all people who are supporting Marco Rubio. We got to get the word out we cannot let our country be taken from us. Donald Trump is working with Jeff Sessions , they are both aware of the deal and will stop it. Donald Trump is a true American, and he is going to fight to stop this as soon as possible. Don’t be surprised if you see it out of the news very soon. Google transpacific trade deal.
Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP): More Job Offshoring, Lower Wages, Unsafe Food Imports
This bill is supported by Hillary Clinton, Ted Cruz as well as Marco Rubio. It would devastate our country. It will take all our jobs out of our country, and there will no longer be a middle class.
Have you heard? The TPP is a massive, controversial, pro-corporate “free trade” agreement among the United States and 11 other countries – Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, and Vietnam. Although it is called a “trade” agreement, the TPP is not mainly about trade. Of TPP’s 30 chapters, only six deal with traditional trade issues.
Secret TPP Text Unveiled: It’s Worse than We Thought
In early November 2015, after seven years of close-door negotiations with the public, press and policymakers locked out, the final TPP text was released. In chapter after chapter, the final text is worse than expected, with the demands of the 500 official U.S. trade advisers representing corporate interests satisfied to the detriment of the public interest.The text reveals that the pact replicates many of the most controversial terms of past pacts that promote job offshoring and push down U.S. wages.
If passed, the TPP would:
make it easier for big corporations to ship our jobs overseas, pushing down our wages and increasing income inequality,
flood our country with unsafe imported food,
jack up the cost of medicines by giving big pharmaceutical corporations new monopoly rights to keep lower cost generic drugs off the market,
empower corporations to attack our environmental and health safeguards,
ban Buy American policies needed to create green jobs,
roll back Wall Street reforms,
sneak in SOPA-like threats to Internet freedom,
and undermine human rights.
The TPP can take effect only if the U.S. Congress approves it, and its fate in Congress is uncertain at best. Fast Track trade authority only passed through Congress by the narrowest of margins after a series of legislative maneuvers, with reluctant support from some key swing members contingent upon certain provisions being in the final TPP. The released text shows these concerns have been largely ignored.
And an unprecedented array of organizations have joined together in a powerful and diverse coalition to stop the TPP. Groups united on this extend well beyond labor unions and include consumer, Internet freedom, senior, health, food safety, environmental, human rights, faith, LGBTQ, student and civil rights organizations.
The Cloward-Piven aka “Coward Proven” strategy is based on the teachings of Saul Alinsky a communist socialist died about 43 years ago, but his writings have influenced the politicians who control our nation today.
Hillary Clinton did a college thesis on his writings and Barack Hussein Obama writes about him in his books.
Rules for Liberal Radicals
Reveille for Radicals
Anyone think this stuff isn’t happening today in the U.S. ?
All eight rules are currently in play.
There are eight levels of control that must be obtained before you are able to create a Liberal Socialist state.
The first is the most important.
1) Healthcare: Control healthcare and you control the people.
2) Poverty: Increase the Poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live.
3) Debt: Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty.
4) Gun Control: Remove the ability to defend themselves from the Government. That way you are able to create a police state.
5) Welfare: Take control of every aspect of their lives (Food, Housing, and Income).
6) Education
—The great yet sadness of Our Constitution gives these people the right to do evil against US.
Noooo$#%&!@*”yo” stupid asses. Shoot all of you…savetaxdollars…
Desecrating our flag should be a felony and lose of citizenship and right to vote…people like this have no place here in America!