Obama has stirred up such hate for this country, especially in minority groups, that the rage and anger coming out across this nation is being manifested in disheartening ways. The administration has not come out against the splintering of the nation, where race is pitted against race and rich and against poor, but rather they fuel the fire, while encouraging the divide.
The message is not like that of days following 9/11, where “United We Stand” rang out from sea to shining sea, instead it is a boiling message of hate, from the top down, that America is the blight of the world and the flag is the representation of all things evil in this world.
Outside a Trump event in West Allis, Wisconsin, black activists stomp on the flag and curse and spit on Old Glory, while a veteran attempts to raise her up from her defiled state on the ground and honor her. The scene is study of the destructive leadership of Obama, who has treated our nation with contempt, dishonored our vets and gives amplification to the voices of divisiveness under the banner of tolerance.
See the videos on the next page.
Ashley Collins, trump protesters are violent huh
That’s where zip ties come in. Even in a protest if you see criminal activity you have the right to detain them with a citizens arrest.
It’s really time to physically organize and act !!! Violence deserves violence !!! Is there a group or organization ready to lead ?
Shoot em !!!!! Vote trump !!!!!
Jail time
Sick$#%&!@*with no respece needs all walfare stopped all free$#%&!@*they get stopped and their asses wipped big time!
get out of the USA now!!!!!
Next time it happens bring gas, wrap a protester in the flag he just stepped on and douse him with gas and torch him…
How more than 14000 Americans live in the District of Columbia.
You find a better place to live and go there, now.