Obama has stirred up such hate for this country, especially in minority groups, that the rage and anger coming out across this nation is being manifested in disheartening ways. The administration has not come out against the splintering of the nation, where race is pitted against race and rich and against poor, but rather they fuel the fire, while encouraging the divide.
The message is not like that of days following 9/11, where “United We Stand” rang out from sea to shining sea, instead it is a boiling message of hate, from the top down, that America is the blight of the world and the flag is the representation of all things evil in this world.
Outside a Trump event in West Allis, Wisconsin, black activists stomp on the flag and curse and spit on Old Glory, while a veteran attempts to raise her up from her defiled state on the ground and honor her. The scene is study of the destructive leadership of Obama, who has treated our nation with contempt, dishonored our vets and gives amplification to the voices of divisiveness under the banner of tolerance.
See the videos on the next page.
Really? That flag fought a war, and won, so that you could live free. Just because you decided to continue to be a slave of the government by taking their hand outs instead of working and earning your own, is no reason for you to forget the lives of those who died to give you your freedom. Shame on you …shame
When you break the law don’t you get arrested,,,,,,not if your black and stand on the American flag.???????????????
Throw their black behinds in prison–That is suppose to be against the law–Oh,I forgot, since Obama and Killary are in Washington, we have no laws anymore
Obama has divided this country more than any president in my lifetime. Obama has set race relations back 50 years. He condoned the rioting, looting and burning down the cities in Ferguson and Baltimore. In fact, he called the Baltimore mayor and had her hold off on calling in the national guard as well as having her ask the cops to stand down. He’s not said a word about BLM, the Black Panthers and Farrakhan openly calling for blacks to rise up and kill whites. I’ve never seen black on white racism this bad in my lifetime. We may still have the most powerful military in the world, but Obama has cut our standing Army down to less than preWW2 days. Budget cuts have cut down flight times and maintenance so much that military officers have come out and said, they don’t think we’d be ready for war. He gave Iran 150 billion to continue to sponsor terrorism and to build nuclear weapons, which they’ll have within 2 years if not sooner. We can’t even inspect their sites. They self-inspect. The Ayatollah and the Iranian people were chanting Death to America. Death to Israel. DURING the negotiations. They have already violated the agreement by testing long range ballistic missiles. We have Russia and China building up their militaries, playing war games together and forming an alliance. China is building military islands in the China Sea. North Korea has nukes and a maniac running the country and have testing their missiles without recourse. What has Obama done about any of these threats? NOTHING. He pulled out of Iraq too soon and without insuring there was a stable government in place. This gave rise to ISIS splitting off from Al Queda. Obama has been funding and arming them to destabilize the region and oust Asaad. If we wanted ISIS gone, they’d be gone in a couple of months. He took out Gadaffi because he was going to introduce a gold-backed currency-the Dinar-that would compete with the petrodollar. Again without establishing a stable government in it’s place. ISIS is now infiltrating Lybia as well as much of the Middle East and North Africa. And, let’s talk about his 5% unemployment. A number that doesn’t reflect all those who’s benefits ran out, stopped looking, are working only part time, are grossly underemployed, or are Welfare of Disability. There are more people now on government assistance than any time in history. And, 51% of the American workforce is making less than 30k per year.
The flag is America, stomp and spit on it, leave America, you are no longer welcome!
Soros sold his own people out to the Nazis. That’s how he got rich.
You Step on my Flag, I’ll Step on your Face.
there not activists , there raciest POS !!!!
Robbins Virginia No. we need the desecration of the American flag to be a Federal offense. Until then, we need to beat the hell out of these people. It’s the only thing they understand. Violence does solve things.