Racial activists are once again performing another brilliant PR move in order to sway public opinion for their cause. Their latest stunt involves blocking traffic on Chicago’s Eisenhower Expressway, because nothing says “reasonable people with legitimate political points” like stopping commuters from getting home after a long day’s work.
It seems as if all these protestors that have sprung up every time a black teen is shot have all but given up on their original cause. While organizations such has Black Lives Matter were formed in order to protest the police, now they seem fully consumed by disrupting the daily lives for as many people as possible. Their politics have fallen by the wayside, and it’s been replaced with an addiction to public mayhem — not as if their political posturing was ever great to begin with.
To see why the angry protestors decided to shut down traffic on the expressway, continue reading on the next page:
Worthless scum! The dumb gang banger brought that on himself! I wished the people on that highway would have ran the animals over! I would have!
we need to be able to do the same as police if they can point there gun at u when u aint got one y cant i point mine at u or jus wlk around without bein bothered by u fucks u see a gun u pull them over without know if they committed a crime is a felon or having a permit u cant jus pull people over bc they carrying guns openly n if u scare the person then he is allowed to point a gun at u hlf of u cops think a badge gives u more rights it dont yall always pull ur guns n$#%&!@*on unarmed people well we fightin fire wit fire n$#%&!@*it shouldnt harass people u stupid fuckin corrupt cops
Like our military’s rules of engagement. First the officer must have been fired upon. Then they contact a commanding officer, to get permission to return fire. After they answer some basic questions. Can you leave the scene or run away? How threatened do you feel, from one to ten. What are the shooters grievances? Can you Tase him bro? Only then may an officer contemplate the use of deadly force. Oh yeah, what is color of the “alleged” shooter? Black lives matter and cops lives…well, you know.
Ok so I’ve read the article seen the pic of this boy that the media won’t show. My question is where the hell was all this concern for a youth when he’s out past curfew, seen with the wrong people, not in school, or hanging on corner’s he has no business being on, or the BIG question where were all these so called concerned adults when he’s in a car being chased by police for god knows what ? Where are the Church leader’s (and not the ones telling their congregation’s to kill their oppressors kill the white’s holding you down) ? Now when BLM is ready to have a real honest discussion maybe they can get to the root of their problems. Where’s these kids’ respect for their elders, community, or themselves for that matter ?
sad fucks
At yes! Chicago…Obamatown and full of intelligent, hardworking, thoughtful, law-abiding, honest folks. NOT!
It’s a backward world! Chicago is terrible town!
Get some bulldozers out there and push their asses right into the lake.
The protesters are just looking for another reason to show their$#%&!@*!
sad sad sad. just sad all the way around from every angle.