Racial activists are once again performing another brilliant PR move in order to sway public opinion for their cause. Their latest stunt involves blocking traffic on Chicago’s Eisenhower Expressway, because nothing says “reasonable people with legitimate political points” like stopping commuters from getting home after a long day’s work.
It seems as if all these protestors that have sprung up every time a black teen is shot have all but given up on their original cause. While organizations such has Black Lives Matter were formed in order to protest the police, now they seem fully consumed by disrupting the daily lives for as many people as possible. Their politics have fallen by the wayside, and it’s been replaced with an addiction to public mayhem — not as if their political posturing was ever great to begin with.
To see why the angry protestors decided to shut down traffic on the expressway, continue reading on the next page:
Get off welfare and start raising your kids with respect that you don’t seems to have android maybe they will not be in trouble with the law so much
Fucking hoodlums!
Disgusting animal of a person. Do not confront the police. Unless you want to be shot.
Got what he deserved
it seems to me , he is setting himself and his son to be shot! I don’t call this love.
Hey morons…Over 900 gang members and civilians have been shot and over 200 killed in Chicago so far this year and nobody cared…Now a gang member points his gun at Police and get’s killed and NOW you protest…….Enough…
If they ever block a road I’m driving on, I’m running them over, I feel my life would be in danger. Cause they are always saying they want white male dead, so if the block me, I have the right to use force if I feel my life is endangered, so I will use my car to move them so I can be safe. You are pre warned . I will protect myself.
Gas peddle must not be working
the one thing i do niot know i thought there was a gun ban where did he get the gun to point at cop and why the hell are the people doing this in chicago they do not do it for anyone else that got shot see how raceist they are they on ly like thugs with guns
Charge parents for providing gun