A son of Osama Bin Laden, dubbed the “Crown Prince of Terror,” has called for terrorist attacks on London, Washington and Paris in an audio message released by Al Qaeda.
The fairly arrogant kid, Hamza Bin Laden, who is 23 or 24 years old, groomed by his 9/11 mastermind father, is believed to be speaking in the audio recording.
Read more of the “Crown Prince of Terror” on the NEXT PAGE:
An prolly paid by America like his father was
That so called culture only understands one thing and that is violence and death. All of hte spawn in that family…male, female, children, infants need to be gone from the world to remove the evil that they do, have done and will do.
Another inbred Muslim what else is new the whole Middle east is the same way.
people still believe turban wearing ‘terrorists’ crashed 2 planes into 2 buildings and 3 fell?
The Clown Price of Terror.
Can You Say … Drone Target … get this little POS … BEFORE HE BREEDS …
Drone Sr
Drone strike please. Target identified.
You mean O’Bama