A son of Osama Bin Laden, dubbed the “Crown Prince of Terror,” has called for terrorist attacks on London, Washington and Paris in an audio message released by Al Qaeda.
The fairly arrogant kid, Hamza Bin Laden, who is 23 or 24 years old, groomed by his 9/11 mastermind father, is believed to be speaking in the audio recording.
Read more of the “Crown Prince of Terror” on the NEXT PAGE:
The self educated narrow minded individual that has spent his entire life trying to destroy America along with the other narrow minded individual infiltrators and traders. Have a rude awakening coming.
kung ano ang puno syang bunga!
It is going to get real ugly in America. For certain individuals with a narrow mind output. They have awoken the monster as they call us…..
They thought that they have dumb down society …. enough over the generations…… and they were right to a point. The 40,000 + laws that are executive laws by the way. The Obamacare that correlates with the executive lols. The infiltrators in the traders that are placed in certain positions throughout our federal government and lower governments. The narrow mindedness of so many individuals. Thought that they should push around the red blooded American. You are seeing the red blooded American, live now. We are exactly what the world calls us. Monster. One thing that the narrow minded that have infiltrated this country failed understand about the monster is that the Monster is a self thinking individuals combining together. To eliminate negative output. If it be abroad or at home. Then monster has not Rosen on this land for many many years. It has now rose up and it is awakening more and more day by day. This is America we are free and have liberties we are still thinking individuals that inhabit this land retards. We look around and we see you you all act the same as because you have the same mindset narrow-mindedness. America has learned a very large lesson. You people have come here and infiltrated us and claim that you are us but you’re stabbing us in the back. Trying to manipulate the the younger generation. They’re not as stupid as you thought. That’s why you have brought in infiltrators. And you have wrote xecutive orders. And you have done low down dirty things to the red blooded Americans. Why you tried to exult the illegal aliens that you have planted here. And then you come and you attack the illegal aliens that been here for generations. So it would be harder for us to see the actual infiltrators that you have mingled with the rest. We will fix immigration. We will bring our country back. We will remove you and put you in your own camps that you built. We will destroy fortune 500 companies. And we will start small businesses. So that the American dream for the independent thinking inhabitant people of this country can have part of the American dream. You all people are on notice. If you and habit America and a red blooded countryman or country woman. It’s time for you to understand that it affects you now. You will stand or you will fall with the rest. You have attacked American people one by one. And exalted people to the point where you have caused unrest in the country. You have tried to destroy relationships that this country has built amongst itselves. Until people like you started coming around 30-40 years ago we didn’t have those problems. Now we have infiltrators and traitors that want to see nothing but this country be destroyed and what its values are. You won’t get her that easy. Like they say were the monster and we’re looking at you infiltrators and traitors.
Does guy who shot him have a son…
ugly little pig needs to join his ugly pathetic father
Who? Obama!
Time for another SEAL team mission.
kill the little p***k now before he gets older
Kill that s$#%&!@*
Screw him he should have been kill the night the seals went in their should’ve been a rat alive when they left.