A son of Osama Bin Laden, dubbed the “Crown Prince of Terror,” has called for terrorist attacks on London, Washington and Paris in an audio message released by Al Qaeda.
The fairly arrogant kid, Hamza Bin Laden, who is 23 or 24 years old, groomed by his 9/11 mastermind father, is believed to be speaking in the audio recording.
Read more of the “Crown Prince of Terror” on the NEXT PAGE:
You gotta feel sorry for the children. …. this is going to be done in America. To our own children if you do not wake up and rise up against the narrow minded individuals that have infiltrated this country. That are destroying every aspect of the Cons$#%&!@*ution or trying to alter it to the point of it will not be salvageable….
If you were raised with false education about someone. Or something. This is all you know this is what you believe. You cannot correct what they have destroyed.
Hate to see him lose his life so young it took 10 years and millions of dollars to find his father just one guy that was responsible for the largest terrorist attack on the United States. Lol and he was terminally ill to boot that was a ploy
Got To Stamp Out all jihadist Pigs! May He be with his father pig!
they are all evil
Did someone expect him to “call for” ….pizza ?
I don’t get it soon to go see his father it took them 10 years and millions of dollars to kill one guy that created or excuse me was responsible for the largest terrorist attack the United States history. And that only happened after he was diagnosed terminal come on they don’t kill these guys until they need to be killed and it’s not for the reasons that you’re saying here. Fear and lack of knowledge are two things that must exist to keep a community together look in your history books without fear we won’t stay together that’s what our government does
Dump his dead body at sea, it’s religious tradition.
Kill him too!
Youre wrong publisher,,