Hillary Clinton stands on her claim that she is the candidate for women. With old dames, like Madeline Albright, supporting her with comments like, “There’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help each other!” Hillary has an odd way of enticing women to come over to her dark side.
Much of the baggage that she will deal with in the next few months is that of her anti-woman practices, especially seen in her bullying of the women who were assaulted by Bill. This baggage is new to so many of the millennials and must be unpacked and displayed for all to see.
One woman, whose has been living a happy and peaceful life was raped by Bill Clinton. She chose to break her silence after Hillary claimed to be for women and specifically women who had been sexually assaulted. The hypocrisy coming from the shrew who threatened the women of Bill’s sordid affairs.
It was all because of Hillary’s tweet in December [2015] where she said we all need to ‘believe the victims of sexual assault.’ How can she be so ignorant? Doesn’t she know we’ll all come forward again? She was saying in that tweet that all of us are liars. Has she lost her mind?” Juanita Broaddrick said.
Now, another gal has come forward sharing her experiences with Bill that date back to childhood, making credible again all the allegations from victims of the Clinton crime machine.
Truth and Action reported, “This sets the stage Trump thinks, for the Clinton versus Trump campaign. Hannity asked Trump, “What about what Clinton’s done? How big an issue should that be in the campaign? For example, I looked at the New York Times, are they going to interview Juanita Broaddrick? Are they going to interview Paula Jones? Are they going to interview Kathleen Willey? In one case it’s about exposure, in another about groping and fondling and touching against a woman’s will.”
Read Dolly Kyle’s thoughts on Bill, Hill and Trump on the next page.
Nice pic of those lovebirds
NO, No more Hillary , we’ve had enough of you and your speeches and emails and scandals and fraud and muslim support. No more! WE WANT TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT!!! NO MORE CLINTONS, NO MORE CAREER POLITICIANS IN THE WHITE HOUSE!!! #TRUMPFORPRESIDENT!
With the Clintons, nothing is sacred and everything is for sale, but we’re the ones who are paying the price.” NO MORE CLINTONS EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Trump now LEADING Hillary for the average of ALL polls! Reported May 23rd, 2016 by Politico
Time to drop out Hillary….. for the democratic party. Bernie Crushes Trump.
Bernie beats Trump in ALL national polls, by DOUBLE DIGITS, you are now losing to Trump in national polls and others are showing ties. Clearly things are getting worse.
The democratic party would rather Hillary be the nominee and Trump become president because they all want something from her. Or they owe her something.
They aren’t TRULY interested in beating Trump – because Bernie beats Trump in EVERY poll
I haven’t decided what hillary is but she not a woman
Kick the Clintons to the curb !!!!!!!
I’m pretty sure if she took off all the make up you would be looking at Lucifer….
Terry Raley I’m a believer lol